My New 275 Gallon Diary!!!!!!!!:)


wow that is one heck of a stock list!!!!! i wish i had a tank bigg enough for half of thoes tangs
but i cant to see fish this bad boy


Originally Posted by J.P
do i see an anenome in there?
Yes. We bought a piece of live rock from this guys his old tank that he tore down. It had an anenome stuck on it and he tried to gently take it off. He couldn't so he just gave it to us. Its one of those $20.00 anemones. Its on this web site. Its name is Florida Condoi


Originally Posted by Chris2010
Yes. We bought a piece of live rock from this guys his old tank that he tore down. It had an anenome stuck on it and he tried to gently take it off. He couldn't so he just gave it to us. Its one of those $20.00 anemones. Its on this web site. Its name is Florida Condoi
nice lol

heart & sole

Originally Posted by Chris2010
Here is my list, some might be crossed off later down the road. There also might be more than for some of them.
Achillies tang
Blonde Naso tang
Blue hippo tang
Clown tang
Naso Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Desjardinii Tang
Sohal Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Yellow Tang
Green Chromis
Flame Angel or Coral Beauty
Green Mandrine and 6 line Wrasse
Lyretail Anthias
Gold Banded Maroon Clown Fish
Wow that a pretty nice stock list cant wait to see them in the tank


I would take another look at your tang list and pick the ones you want the most, thats war waiting to happen. Good luck


A few minor changes to the tang list
Achillies tang - later down the road when I become more experienced
Blonde Naso tang
Blue hippo tang
Naso Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Desjardinii Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Yellow Tang
Green Chromis
Flame Angel or Coral Beauty
Green Mandrine and 6 line Wrasse
Lyretail Anthias
Gold Banded Maroon Clown Fish
Not sure If I should get a pair of naso or Blonde naso. Is it ok to mix this list together or should I Eliminate something else.


Active Member
i already commented on your stocklist on the other thread. What are you gonna do for light? Are you going sps? The rockwork looks good, plenty of swimming room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chris2010
A few minor changes to the tang list
Achillies tang - later down the road when I become more experienced
Blonde Naso tang
Blue hippo tang
Naso Tang
Purple Tang
Sailfin Tang
Desjardinii Tang
Vlamingi Tang
Yellow Tang
Green Chromis
Flame Angel or Coral Beauty
Green Mandrine and 6 line Wrasse
Lyretail Anthias
Gold Banded Maroon Clown Fish
Not sure If I should get a pair of naso or Blonde naso. Is it ok to mix this list together or should I Eliminate something else.
I think the revised list is a little better...A few too many Acanthurus Tangs on the original list (Clown and Sohal together in particular) which can be very aggressive toward themselves and other tangs...Achilles is a very hardy fish once established I had one for 5+ years, they just need good diet and great water, they are great fish and i'm sure will make a great addition to your tank....Can't wait to follow your progress.

If you are going to eliminate, I would look at the Vlamingi first, they get really really big.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I think the revised list is a little better...A few too many Acanthurus Tangs on the original list (Clown and Sohal together in particular) which can be very aggressive toward themselves and other tangs...Achilles is a very hardy fish once established I had one for 5+ years, they just need good diet and great water, they are great fish and i'm sure will make a great addition to your tank....Can't wait to follow your progress.

If you are going to eliminate, I would look at the Vlamingi first, they get really really big.
Cant you catch them once they get to big and replace it with a small one


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chris2010
Cant you catch them once they get to big and replace it with a small one
You can do anything you want...I would prefer to house any fish I get for life...Certainly you have a tank big enough to do so, I am just saying I have seen Vlamingi Tangs even get 16 inch long in captivity, its quite a commitment, they are cool fish, just a lot of tangs I like more that take up less of your tank and bioload capacity.


Active Member
Looks like it's coming along nicely.
IMO you're going to want a larger clean-up-crew, especially with all of the fish you plan on adding.


Originally Posted by ci11337
i already commented on your stocklist on the other thread. What are you gonna do for light? Are you going sps? The rockwork looks good, plenty of swimming room.
Sorry, I dont understand the question. I have lights on there. I am so new to the sltwater world, I dont even know what Lps corals are, or sps corals, or any of that. Please explain to me almost like Im a fifth grader.


Originally Posted by Chris2010
Sorry, I dont understand the question. I have lights on there. I am so new to the sltwater world, I dont even know what Lps corals are, or sps corals, or any of that. Please explain to me almost like Im a fifth grader.
haha i kno how u feel when i first came on here and everyone was like sps lps and all that i was lost lol
sps=acros and that stuff
lps=acctualy im not to sure
but i think it is like acans and stuff


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chris2010
Sorry, I dont understand the question. I have lights on there. I am so new to the sltwater world, I dont even know what Lps corals are, or sps corals, or any of that. Please explain to me almost like Im a fifth grader.
LPS=large polyup stoneys(open brains, trumpets,frog spawn,elegans,etc...
SPS=small poly stoneys(acropora,montipora,porites, birdnest, Pocillopora,etc.


Thank you for you two for telling me. Now I know at least what lps and sps corals stand for. Someone asked a question if i was going to have sps corals. Well your answer is Im going to have both sps and lps corals.There should be enough lighting. It comes down to about 4.5 watts per gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chris2010
Thank you for you two for telling me. Now I know at least what lps and sps corals stand for. Someone asked a question if i was going to have sps corals. Well your answer is Im going to have both sps and lps corals.There should be enough lighting. It comes down to about 4.5 watts per gallon.
Watts per gallon is not really a good way to measure the amount of light you need. Its more about PAR than watts. What kind of lights are they and how many are there?


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Watts per gallon is not really a good way to measure the amount of light you need. Its more about PAR than watts. What kind of lights are they and how many are there?
I have 4 150 watt MHs, four 96 watt Super Actinic, and 4 65 watt compact flourescent Actinic.