My new 85 gal tank


Here is my tank I recently brought
Its a 320L tank with 40kg of live rock, its 130cm x 52cm x 48cm
Here is a list of what’s in the tank:
1 x Clown fish
1 x Tomato Clown fish
1 x Rabbit fish Foxface
1 x Coral Beauty
1 x Scopas Tang
1 x Dwarf Lionfish
1 x Arrow Goby
1 x Yellow Scroll Coral
1 x Lettuce Coral
1 x Fire Coral
6 x Assorted Mushroom Coral Invertebrates
1 x Trochus sp. snail
2 x Brittle Starfish
1 x Urchin (and a baby urchin now too, noticed a few days before we collected tank)
1 x Tiger tail Cucumber
It has a skimmer (not sure of brand) that sits in the sump, and a 5000L/ph return pump, also have a chiller
Would like to upgrade sump in the next couple of months as the one we have is probably a bit small and it only has 2 sections, and is only separated by 1 piece of glass with the gap underneath, so we have a lot of sponges to reduce bubbles (still have a few micro bubbles though)
The tank had previously been set up for a year with no problems.
What sort of fish/corals do you think would be ok to add with this lot? As with everyone, I would love a Mandarin ... I have done a lot of research, but I don’t think my tank will be up to it at this stage. When I moved the tank a week ago, do you think that any copepods that may have been in the tank would have died? And is there a place in Brisbane that you can buy lots of live ones?
There is a reasonable amount of flow in the tank, as there are 3 outlets where the return water goes into the tank so the water is constantly moving.


Well we have had the tank set up for nearly a week and a half and all seems fine so far.
I have a quick question re feeding the corals ... the previous owner has not put anything in the tank specifically for the corals ... should I be?
He said they have been growing over the time hes had them, so that must be good.
I feed the fish we have: 2 pinches morning and night of the marine pellets, and every 2nd day, add a little bit of mysis shrimp. And the Lion fish gets his own live food.
We also have no snails, shrimp etc in the tank for cleaning etc, would the urchin and cucumber do the job? the tank doesnt seem to grow excess algae or anything like that.


Active Member
Looks good,
If they are non-photosytheic (SP?) then they don't need to be fed. Feeding seems good but their are better foods then mysis. More pictures please.


What would be better to feed than mysis? I wouldnt know??
Can't get any better pics at this stage, the only camera I have is a cell phone and it doesnt seem to like close up pics. will hopefully ahve a better one in the next few weeks.


Frozen mysis is ok...BUT some of your fish need special angels need algae...they have a frozen food called Mega Marine angel (for angels) mega marine algae (has algae)
Pellets IMO are like potato chips.....I have them, and use them 1x or 2x a week as a late night treat....
tangs like algae, algae sheets are good for them (and others too) marine cuisine is a good frozen food..
I know nothing about Lions though..sorry


Oh and I give a couple of small (well about 1 1/2 inch strips) of seaweed, the stuff from sushi, the foxface and tang love it, and the others try and get some as well, hence why i give two so they dont all fight over the one


Do you think it would be best to perhaps feed like this (excluding the lion as he just gets his 1 fish a day)
Half cube of frozen mysis shrimp
And 2 1.5" strips of seaweed (from reading today, would this be what they call nori??)
2 pinches of pellets, or a bit more depending on how hungry they are ...
or perhaps more shrimp and use the least amount of pellets i can?
what is a good amount of seaweed/nori to feed the fish i have? should i be giving them more? the bigger ones seem to really love it. i try and clip it in place but they just rip it out of the clip and play tug of war throughout the tank


Active Member
Sounds decent enough. I second the Marine Cuisine, it is really good food. Some people on here feed salmon, scallops, tuna, etc.. in a mix which gives the fish some natural vitamins and such. You could give that a try.