My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!


anyone got an answer to this question?
BTW, how long do I have before it is mandatory to put in a clean up crew? I heard if you don't add any live stock soon, your tank could crash and your nitrogen cycle could break down.


Active Member
I would add them no sooner than a week after cycle and as far as the tank crashing I dont know since bacteris is packaged in sand and is good up to around a year in an "air tight" bag with little water.


Tested the water again today. Amonia is 0! Nitrtie 0 and nitrate just a little.
I havn't even done a water change yet. Perhaps I will wait and see. BTW the water has evaporated quite a bit. I will have to add in some water as topoff.


Active Member
I didn't read this mentioned anywhere so I figured I would mention it. You really do not want your tank fluctuating that much. If your lights heat the water to 78, just notch the heater up to 78 degrees so that your water is always at 78, rather than going from 78 to 76 back 78 when the lights come on.
Good luck with your tank. Sounds like you are ready for your clean-up crew!


Yup I was thinking the same.
I have got the heater to match my lights to stay at 78 degrees.
Thanks for your careful note.


Active Member
I dont think that would work. The reason is you would raise the temp to 78 and then the lights come on and produce more heat and raise it up even more. Just cause the temp is only going that high dont meant it wont raise when you raise the temp.


Also I read the double ended bulbs need a UV shield have you heard this?
ren99- I was reading through this post and the quote above is something you need to look into if you have the double ended MH. I'm not sure if it was ever answered in the post. If so, please disregard. These bulbs emit uv radiation that is harmful to fish and corals. There needs to be a glass covering between the lights and the tank. Not necessarily on top of the tank but atleast enclosing the bulb. I have a canopy system with 2 double-ended 250W MH and 4 160W VHO that I purchased and I had to purchase the glass shielding for it. I basically have the glass enclosing the lighting canopy and 2 fans to help disipate the heat.
Hope this helps.


I disagree Snipe... heaters turn themselves off when the temp is high enough, so the lights would be take over the heater's job, not add to it.


with that much lr and live sand u wouldnt have seen a cycle,well a big one anyway! i would say u are ready for ur clean up crew.


Snipe, evilbob; I think both of you guys have a point. Within the half hour after I turn on the lights, it will heat the water 1 or 2 degrees no matter what the heater is up to. But after a few hours, if the heater is off, the temperature would come back down.
I think it would be rather hard to control this fluctuation. The question really is that is a 2 degree fluctuation okay for the fishes and invertes? I would imagine that the sun would have same effect on ocean from day to nigth. No?
ebsOCHIN; there is a glass cover under the light bulb. Is that enough? or is there some sort of special "UV glass" that is required? I also have glass canopy on my tank.
jobob; yup its been few days, perhaps almost a week since my amonia hit 0. I went to LFS yesterday withbuying some clean up crew in mind, but didn't like what they had. Will head out to a different LFS today.


ebsOCHIN; there is a glass cover under the light bulb. Is that enough? or is there some sort of special "UV glass" that is required? I also have glass canopy on my tank.
That should sufice. All I know is the company I ordered my lighting canopy from had to special order the glass. I believe it is called LOW-E glass.



Originally posted by ren99
Snipe, evilbob; I think both of you guys have a point. Within the half hour after I turn on the lights, it will heat the water 1 or 2 degrees no matter what the heater is up to. But after a few hours, if the heater is off, the temperature would come back down.
I think it would be rather hard to control this fluctuation. The question really is that is a 2 degree fluctuation okay for the fishes and invertes? I would imagine that the sun would have same effect on ocean from day to nigth. No?

From what I understand, keeping the tempature from fluctuating is more important than the actual temp (as long as it is somewhat reasonable). I would think a 1 or 2 degree difference would be ok, although I'm not the one to answer that question.
The sun doesn't change the water temp very quickly. Think about it like this: ever go swimming in Febuary? Even if the air is abnormally warm, the water will still be coooold. Also, if the sunlight is right on the fish, they can swim into a hole or down deeper to get away, but they can't in an aquarium. (Well, they could swim into a hole, but it wouldn't be any cooler.)


OK just bought 8 indo turbo snail. (they are huge, perhaps 1-2 inches) and a scarlet hermit crab.
floating them right now! hehe.
According to the LFS, i dont need to acclimate these things. is that true? LFS said just float the bag on top fo the tank for an hour is good.


well I couldnt find a hose that I could tie down to limit the flow to dripping so I had to use the quarter cup per 5 min method.
Did it for about an hour.
Will get better hose for drip acclimation next time.
the 8 turbo snails and scarlet are in the tank now as my first residents!
Most of the snails went to eat the algae on my glass immediately. 2 or 3 of them hasnt moved much and ate much.
the crab seems to be very happy, hes moved to the live rcok and been busy ever since I dropped it into the tank !
I will post pictures later.


OK question:
My water is still very dirty. There are all kinds of die off stuff floating around in the water. My Eheim 2229 canister wet/dry has not been doing its job!?!
What can I do to clear up the stuff in the water? Is my wet dry filter not working??


well about to order the following online for clean up crew.
Tell me what you think?
Crab1x sally lightfoot
5x blue hermit
15x red scarlet
Snails10x astrea
5x margrita
5x cerith
3x bumble bee
5x nassarius
Shrimps2x Peppermint
1x feather duster
Already have 8 large indo turbo snails. (i think they were called)
I heard blue legged are trouble so not trying to get too many.


Can I ask how much rock you have in your tank, lbs.? I setting up a tank myself and I am looking to do something similar to what you have. Thanks.