My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!


OK update on my 8 snails and 1 scarlet hermit crab.
1 of the snails has gone missing for the past 2 days !! :thinking: :thinking: I wonder where he went. Looked all over the tank, no sign of him.
2 of the snails still hasn't moved much since I dropped them in 2 days ago.
But I know they are alive cuz I see its stuck on glass.
the rest of the snails are wandering all over the tank and seem to be doing excellent.
One of them even climbed on to the top of my heater today ! :nervous: ahhh. I unplugged this heater right away lol. ( I have 2 heaters in the tank, so temp will be fine)
My crab has found a spot at the back of the tank and has not moved in the past day or so either! I know its alive, cuz I see his eyes and legs move from time to time.
so my questino of the day, are my not so moving crab and snails dying? should I be concerned? Is it normal for a scarlet hermit crab to not move for a day or 2?


Another issue is green algae seems to be coming back still. not a lot, but definitely some on the glass.
I currently have no skimmer running, because my custom sump will be coming in next monday.

This week without a skimmer is not goign to give me an amonia spike is it?


Active Member
What are your water parameters?
Also where are you getting the custom sump? Acrylic or glass? How big and how much? If you don't mind? I'm traveling down that road here shortly. Are you doing a sump/fuge?
Thanks for any input!:D
Keep up the good work!:D


water parameter would be my next question

amonia 0.005 =(
it is in between 0 and 0.01. Could this be cuz I have no skimmer going on now?
nitrite 0
nitrate 1 or 2. very very low.
ph 8.2
temp 80 degrees.
I am getting my custom sump from LFS. Just talk to them and tell him what you want and see if he wants the business. Lots of small LFS would love this kind of business.
20 gallons glass with no refuge. I have a very bad stand and it has very little room to work with at the bottom, so needed a custom size made.
$100. I realy don't have the time to go through making this DIY. plus material would prob cost me $40 anyways.


currently I got 60 # of LR in my tank. was thinking about using some base rock for the remaining.
Found these base rock, see picture.
$40 USD.
Is this a good choice? most importantly, is this a safe choice?
Here is the description of the rock:
Carib Sea Reef Rock- 50 Lbs
Rock is ideal for use as a base rock on which to attach invertebrates such as anemones, soft and hard corals, etc. clean and pure. Not bleached or chemical treated. Assorted sizes.



the snail is getting smaller and smaller. I hope it makes it.
The crab has come back alive and eating all day !
Algae is still growing. =(


hey ren, My 120 with 105# LR cycled in 12 days!! Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate all at 0 since, It is now day20. I have added a crlean up crew and had 0 problems. My nitrates now are at 2. I have a 30g sump/fug with cheato in it as well. No phosphate either. Going to add a pair of percs tomorrow. HTH. Good luck!


Tanks will have been runnig 3 weeks on monday and i have 6 hermits and 3 tubos. Put them in on Monday at my 2 week date checked my water that day and was all good. My ammonia never got real real high its at 0 now. ALL snails and crabs doing good always eating. Going to add a bi color blenny and a couple clowns here shortly or, some more clean up guys like shrimps and emerald crab or arrow crab.


hm. I wonder if some of my snails will make it. I think there is 3 or 4 of them that has never moved much ever since I put them in. They are alive, cuz I see them stick out their head once in a while, but have never really moved or ate.


well found a deal on the auction website,. 100 snails for $30. :confused: :confused:
I think I will take the deal.
If I get these 100 snails, do I still need a bunch of other stuff like scarlet hermit crabs?


i think 100 snails is a bit much? i heard the rule of thumb is one per gal? i dont go by that. i got about 25 in my 55, and about 25 hermits. but im sure some will die, so maybe 100 will be good. and for the price? go for it. yes i would still get hermits, atleast 50.


New Member

Originally posted by JacknJill
some people choose to not run their lights at all during the cycle to help cut down, if not stop all algae blooms. but you can also keep the lights on

I have to say, during my cycle I loved having the light on to look at the coral I bought (dead from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Shops) and the damsels swimming... but boy did this ugly brown algae take off... we have dealt with it ever since and only turn the light on when needed........ I will add though, my Gold Rim Tang loves it - His own Buffet!


Active Member
I have 70 some snails in my tank and 10 hermits "I want a few more hermits" and there all doing great. They do get left over peices of meat and such that my fish and other inverts leave behind.