My New "Again" 55 Gallon


New Member
Six years ago I had a 55 gal FOWLR tank. Had kids so I took down. Within the last month I put it back up.

Its has about 65 lbs of live rock, an old skimmer ( I intend to replace it later), canister filter with a UV sterilizer, 1 old powerhead which i plan on replacing with two bigger and better ones. I need to buy new lighting to accommodate the corals. Ive have looking at this one but wanted some opinions about it.

PLEASE do not post links to competitor may post a product name or picture though


Active Member
Welcome to the site!
I think most of the equipment you have is good for the tank... the light you provide the link to is definitely suitable for corals imo...
I have a question, though... you say that you want to set it up as a FOWLR... but then you say "I need to buy new lighting to accomodate the corals".... so you mean you wanna set it up as a reef, not a FOWLR, correct?
I'm sure you know about cycling tanks... right?


im not the smartest person here but you never said anything about an ro unit. it is a big part of good quality water for your corals


New Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/388085/my-new-again-55-gallon#post_3420236
Welcome to the site!
I think most of the equipment you have is good for the tank... the light you provide the link to is definitely suitable for corals imo...
I have a question, though... you say that you want to set it up as a FOWLR... but then you say "I need to buy new lighting to accomodate the corals".... so you mean you wanna set it up as a reef, not a FOWLR, correct?
I'm sure you know about cycling tanks... right?
I had a FOWLER six years ago but I had to tear everything down. I've had freshwater since then and just recently got back into Saltwater.


New Member
Space is a big issue, because i don't have any. I'm thinking come tax return time, trying to put a sump under the tank in the cabinet. I dont plan on getting any corals for several months.


New Member
So the tank is cycled and I bought a pair of Common Clownfish.

The larger Clownfish doesnt have the black edges on his or her fins. When i got them they were the only two in the tank, I am assuming they are a "pair" . Its been four days and they are always together and seem to eat well.

This is the best pic I have of the larger one.


New Member
So my 2 yr old decided my fish were hungry while I was at work, and dumped all the food in the tank. By time I got home it was nasty. Killed my clowns and my shrimp but most of my crabs and snails made it. I guess it was a good thing that I didnt buy a Blue Hippo Tang the day before when I was at the pet store buying salt.


Well-Known Member
dang! So sorry to hear that!
That's why I'm making a custom stand for my aquarium and getting cabinet locks for ALL of it. I don't want my daughter killing my fish/corals accidentally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoecat118 http:///t/388085/my-new-again-55-gallon#post_3439072
So my 2 yr old decided my fish were hungry while I was at work, and dumped all the food in the tank. By time I got home it was nasty. Killed my clowns and my shrimp but most of my crabs and snails made it. I guess it was a good thing that I didnt buy a Blue Hippo Tang the day before when I was at the pet store buying salt.
Oh my gosh!!! Sorry to hear that!


New Member
I bought a Blue Linkia Starfish on Monday, along with a emerald crab, a peppermint shrimp and a skunk cleaner, also a yellow watchman goby. The starfish has these white spots on him and I dont know why. Is he dying? I tested my water and its fine. I acclimated him for 3 hours with the drip method when i bought him. The spots look finda fleshy, but I havent seen anything pick at it. Help!
