My New DIY MH Canopy w/ Pics!


Apple5150 - give me your email and i'll be happy to
Jobob - It comes right on. It is kinda dim at first but gets stronger as its in longer. Sounds like you have a problem maybe with the connection of the bulb itself. I would definitly try to get a refund or a new light or something.


im doin the samething to my lights. i was wondering what are the pc? im thinkin about all actinics? is that what u have?
yea the bulb is broke i talked to the guy and hes sending me a new one. thanks


Jobob - The PC (power compact) lights are the Coralife 4x65 watt retro. I use them for a dusk / dawn effect so my MH doesnt just come on instantly and startle everything. 2 of the bulbs are pure actinic (very blue) and 2 are 10000K bulbs. They also make a 50/50 bulb where one side is actinic and one side is the 10000K. Heres a pic to show you the color difference between the bulbs. The blue ones are the actinic.


ok heres what i have. do u think i should use them all? or just the mh and the 220pc?
2x175w mh 10k
2x65w pc 5050
4x55w pc 10k,03


If you have the space i would go with all three. The extra 10K lighting would be benifitial and the actinic will make a nice blue color to the water. If you dont have space but dont mind spending a few extra dollars, I would go with the 4x55watt and just use 2 10K bulbs and buy either 2 50/50s or 2 pure actinics. The best thing would be to use them all though IMO. try everything first though. If you like the water color when you dont use the 50/50s then just use the MH and the 4 10K bulbs.


i think using all 10k will be to much daylight. i think im goin to see if i can fit them all. if not im goin to use the 220 with 10k and actinic with mh.thanks


about the fan situation, this is what i would do personally... since youve already got the holes cut and everything and the fans there to do it already, i think that the 2 side fans should be intake fans, and since heat rises the top 2 should be for exhaust... i think that would be the most effective route for bringing in cool air and venting the warm air... just my opinion though... by the way its looking absolutely great, cant wait to see them powered up on the tank!!!:happyfish


Masala4080 if you could please email how and what you used to build that magnifisent hood i would love to know i just purchased a 150 gallon and will surely model mine after yours. Thanks, Brian


1968OldsMa - you have mail
Also to everyone. As some of you may know im only 17 and still in school and working a part time job. This hobby took all my money away so I will be delayed a few months until I can get the money to start back up. I have pretty much all the equiptment. All I need is live rock ($500) and some other spare stuff. Sorry to anyone who might have been waiting to see how the lights looked with water. I should post anything new as I start to buy some stuff and get back in action. Dang, I blew $3,000 so far and theres not even water in the tank.


hey man i feel your pain... im a 22 year old college student working part time right now and i know its hard to get going with a saltwater tank. if my buddy wouldnt have given me such a deal on the tank i wouldnt have even gotten started. as for what youve got you otta just get some water in there and start cycling the tank. as for $500 of LR, you can save your money and buy a little at a time. i started out with 2-3 pieces about 18lbs, and thats all i had for about a month or so... anyways you will be happy once you get the water in there... goodluck


Thanks for the words! I was kina expecting to run out of money but tried not to think about it. I think im just gunna hold off for a little while. I need to focus on other things like school. In the summer I will start back up since I'll be working around 50 hours a week, setting up a new pet store that will be open soon and making tons of money. Like I said before, when I get back into it then I'll keep you all posted.


Active Member
hey i know this is older but can you send me pics of you canopy you made....and maybe how you did it...i think i'm going to bulid a new one.....thanks


Hi Masala, I was looking through the threads looking for pics of canopys. Your pics won't show. Can you possibly re-post them or e-mail me at with the pics of how you made it? I'm expecting my lights next week and want to have a canopy ready. Please let me know as soon as you can. Thanks, evie :needhelp: