my new little pico


Active Member
Originally Posted by cpbirds407
I have mine that I'm almost had it with it!!! It gets so full of algae and insanely hard to clean! is a pic
looks cool! but I was like you lol i had enough with all the cleaning and topping off... they are hard to keep up! good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by OB1
This must be a typo... you wouldn't be topping of with saltwater would you? I understand why you took it down. Tiny tanks are sooooo.. hard to keep.
yeah it's typo lol I would have killed everything really fast if I was topping off with salt water!


Active Member
I've got a little 3 gallon pico as well with 3 sexy shrimp. I'll post pics as soon as I can find my camera...


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I've got a little 3 gallon pico as well with 3 sexy shrimp. I'll post pics as soon as I can find my camera...
yay! can't wait to see it!


Active Member
Well, my camera seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, but until I somehow find it, I can tell you sexy shrimp are definitely a great idea for a pico

You don't have to worry about any fish mistaking them for food and they're easy to find.
I bought three about a week ago, and since I've added them, they haven't left their featherduster alone for more than five minutes. They sit on the tube right at the front of the tank and swivel all day long.


Active Member
that was my plan for this pico. I wanted to have like 5 sexy shrimp. it's so cute when sexy shrimp are in groups... they wiggle their booties together! hehe