My new Nano



Looks good. How old is it? What type of creatures are in it or are going to be in it?


Completely setup for about a week, I'm only keeping the 2 perculas and a cleanup crew in it, I just put in a carpet anenome to complete what I'm putting in it. I will post another pic when it decides where it wants to stay.
Is there a way to get them to stay where you want it?

bang guy

Looks like a half dead Sebae Anemone from here. Or is the Carpet over the Shell in the pic?
Carpets will not survive in Nano tanks for very long.


The sabae was put in maybe an hour before the pic, since it has expanded and is doing great. the rock over the shell is some sort of mushroom my buddy gave me to put in my tank. this pic doesnt show the carpet.


Originally Posted by Erhodejr
Completely setup for about a week, I'm only keeping the 2 perculas and a cleanup crew in it, I just put in a carpet anenome to complete what I'm putting in it. I will post another pic when it decides where it wants to stay.
Is there a way to get them to stay where you want it?
Your tank has to cycle b4 adding livestock. Usually take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks. Your fish will DIE, take them back and wait for the cycle. Also an anamone is risky at best in an established tank (6 months or older). IMHO take out the percs, the cleanup crew, and the anemone and monitor your levels for no less than 3 weeks. Then add your cleanup crew. If all goes well with them, then add your percs. I would not add an anemone to a nano it's just too risky. Your perc will host any number of soft corals that are much less harmful to the tank if they don't make it.
Patience is the key to this hobby and I wouldn't want you to get discouraged when evrything starts dieing. While the tank is cycling research everything on this site. There is a wealth of info here.
goood luck,


the tank cycled for just over a month before I added anything. I took it slow adding everything, I learned my lesson on the first tank I set up a while back. I am monitoring the levels daily.


Oh I see. When you said it had been setup for a week I thought you meant a week since you added water. Good luck and watch that anemone!


nice arrangement of rock took me 2 weeks to finally make up my mind on how to lay out my formation
call me anal i guess but i was trying to make it look a realistic as possible - that is in a 12 gallon tank anyway ........
your looks really nice - what size tank do you have anyway ?
i especially like your curved aproach in your rocks - leaves a nice viewing area up front .


This setup is a 10 gallon. I'm looking into a larger reef, I am going to try to keep the curved look in the larger tank as well.


Active Member
Nice tank, do I see 2 Chocolate Chip Stars in there?
How much rock do you have in this tank?
Keep up the good work...... :cheer:


theres 20lbs of LR in it, there was 2 CC starfish in it at first, I have since moved the larger one into my other tank


Active Member
Chocolate chip stars will eat corals so if you plan on turning that into a reef you might want to take him out ASAP because he WILL eat your corals.


Active Member
Reading through many posts tonight about Chocolate Chip Stars it was quite interesting. I think they are getting a bad rap from many people. Not everyone want so have a tank full of corals, I know I cannot afford them so the FOWLR is a nice alternative where the emphasis is on the fish etc.
But all should be aware of what they are capable of doing to a tank with corals in it. But I read so many posts where it said to get rid of these ASAP when there are many like my self who love them... :yes:
So make sure you have them in the right kind of tank. If you put them in with corals and they eat them don't blame the star.