my new octopus!



Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Awesome find. Best of luck with him! Have you started playing games with him yet?
i havent really played games with him per se, but i introduce something new to him every day...something as simple as a small colored glass bead....and yes i boil everything before i put it in the tank to make sure it is clean and i never leave anything in the tank that isnt reef safe for more than like 8 hours. Since they are such intelligent animals i want to keep him stimulated.
he has recently became very intrersted in my hand so i let him crawl on was such a weird feeling! this little guy definatly keeps me busy! oh, i also put a CLEAN glass bottle in his tank that he finally will crawl into to get the food i put in it. hopefully soon he will be able to actually open something to get food inside!(my goal) but if not....he is still awesome to observe!


Originally Posted by beenbag497
im thinking of getting an octopus often do u see them?
i see him ALL THE TIME! he stays out in the open most of the time... he will sometimes hide in the sand but not a lot. but different species have different behaviors... some may be more prone to hide then others. there isnt really any helpful general info on octopi the best thing is to find out EXACTLY what species you have and research it specifically. If you wanna put in the time and effort to keep one go for it!

just make sure you research research research!


05xrunner;2588712 said:
thats pretty cool..Wonder how they got it. That species is still a big mystery to all and there is not alot of data on them. So its pretty much going in blind. You got one hell of a deal though[/QUOTE
i know! GREAT DEAL! ...i think that i'm doing a pretty goot job at caring for him..the research i did find on this one website observed like 15 mimics in captivity and most didnt last past a week! so i must be doing something right!
(better than my LFS anyways...who knows what his fate could have been...


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
thats pretty cool..Wonder how they got it. That species is still a big mystery to all and there is not alot of data on them. So its pretty much going in blind. You got one hell of a deal though
i know! GREAT DEAL! ...i think that i'm doing a pretty goot job at caring for him..the research i did find on this one website observed like 15 mimics in captivity and most didnt last past a week! so i must be doing something right!
(better than my LFS anyways...who knows what his fate could have been...


sorry if i missed it, but what size tank is htat in? how's the heat with a tight lid (if you have a tight lid?) could you provide some specs on what you are keeping it in (tank, filtration, amt of rock, etc.). I don't think I will ever keep an octo, but your's is great


Originally Posted by capschamp
sorry if i missed it, but what size tank is htat in? how's the heat with a tight lid (if you have a tight lid?) could you provide some specs on what you are keeping it in (tank, filtration, amt of rock, etc.). I don't think I will ever keep an octo, but your's is great

i have it in an eclipse tank...only 3 gal. for now cuz he is SOOOO small, but don't worry im going to upgrade the tank..when i first got him i wasn't sure if he was gonna make it cuz my LFS did a number on him
so i didn't wanna go out and buy a big tank if he was just going to croak...but he seems to be doin great. there is a bubbler in the tank(they need oxygenated water)...with LS (so he can burry himself) and probably about 5lbs of LR. but bigger tank coming soon because now that i have him...and unfortunately he will only live a year or two, i will get another octo after him because they are so fascinating so I'm going to make a designated octo tank!


Active Member
Congratulations on your purchase of a seriously rare and possibly endangered animal. There actually is a ton of helpful information about octopuses online, it's "The Octopus News Magazine Online" if you care to google that. Of course that might be deleted by the time you read this because apparently I'm not allowed to tell people where to go to find extremely beneficial thorough and accurate information for cephalopod husbandry and it gets deleted every time I post it.
Mimics and Wonderpus are unfortunately very rare in their own habitat so it's a shame they are sold at all. You did get a great deal on it. Please upgrade your tank ASAP. It needs a muck tank. A muddy substrate. Sulawesi, where they are found, is very murky, muddy water. Octopuses create about 3 times more waste than a similar sized fish so you have to plan filtration accordingly.
I hope you are able to enjoy your new companion for many more months to come. But please, next time try to do your research before hand, and if you get another octopus, make sure it has a properly cycled and sized tank. Not to mention, stick to the more common species. It's our responsibility as animal lovers to make sure that the ones not suitable for captivity are left in their natural homes for the future of their species.
Okay, now that I've said my piece I'll let you have your fun. Sorry for going on a tangent but I do love these creatures and sometimes that means sacrificing our own desires for the better of the world around us. Plus buying these guys only encourages their collection that much more, good deal or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
Well to be fair the thing probly would've died at the LFS already iif Krich didn't buy him.
Don't get me wrong. I know there is unfortunately no good way of going about it. Buy it and it encourages them to sell more, leave it and it will likely be contained in an unsuitable environment at the LFS or possibly bought by someone not willing to do the proper research or incapable of providing a proper home. Either way, the animal loses. That's one less Mimic octopus to contribute its genes to future generations of Mimics. And with their population numbers being unknown, could quite likely be one specimen closer to extinction.
The videos we see on the internet or on Discovery or Animal Planet take months to gather. It's not like a diver can go down any day they choose and find one to take footage of. It's very important that we understand the impact we make on the world be it big or small. In third world countries where these things are collected, the people are uneducated and don't realize what they are doing to their habitat. And even if they are, they don't care because they know that they get a few bucks to buy some food for their family with. The same thing is happening with seahorses.


Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Congratulations on your purchase of a seriously rare and possibly endangered animal. There actually is a ton of helpful information about octopuses online, it's "The Octopus News Magazine Online" if you care to google that. Of course that might be deleted by the time you read this because apparently I'm not allowed to tell people where to go to find extremely beneficial thorough and accurate information for cephalopod husbandry and it gets deleted every time I post it.
Mimics and Wonderpus are unfortunately very rare in their own habitat so it's a shame they are sold at all. You did get a great deal on it. Please upgrade your tank ASAP. It needs a muck tank. A muddy substrate. Sulawesi, where they are found, is very murky, muddy water. Octopuses create about 3 times more waste than a similar sized fish so you have to plan filtration accordingly.
I hope you are able to enjoy your new companion for many more months to come. But please, next time try to do your research before hand, and if you get another octopus, make sure it has a properly cycled and sized tank. Not to mention, stick to the more common species. It's our responsibility as animal lovers to make sure that the ones not suitable for captivity are left in their natural homes for the future of their species.
Okay, now that I've said my piece I'll let you have your fun. Sorry for going on a tangent but I do love these creatures and sometimes that means sacrificing our own desires for the better of the world around us. Plus buying these guys only encourages their collection that much more, good deal or not.
thank you so much for the input!
i will defiantly check out that website! and i agree w/ what you are saying about buying them only encourages their sales...but i couldnt leave the poor thing in the condition it was in at the LFS...
i mean come on...they told me they tried to keep two octopi in a 10 gal tank together(different species even)!!
and guess what happened??..they fought each other and unfortunatly the mimic ended up with a missing tentacle because the other octo was bigger
... he was in pretty bad shape...


Originally Posted by krichardson
i havent really played games with him per se, but i introduce something new to him every day...something as simple as a small colored glass bead....and yes i boil everything before i put it in the tank to make sure it is clean and i never leave anything in the tank that isnt reef safe for more than like 8 hours. Since they are such intelligent animals i want to keep him stimulated.
he has recently became very intrersted in my hand so i let him crawl on was such a weird feeling! this little guy definatly keeps me busy! oh, i also put a CLEAN glass bottle in his tank that he finally will crawl into to get the food i put in it. hopefully soon he will be able to actually open something to get food inside!(my goal) but if not....he is still awesome to observe!
try that with a blue ring octopus


Originally Posted by SrgVigil
try that with a blue ring octopus

i think i would rather stay alive thank you very much! they are beautiful creatures too though! too bad there is no anti-venom...


Active Member
Originally Posted by krichardson
i think i would rather stay alive thank you very much! they are beautiful creatures too though! too bad there is no anti-venom...
sure there is..Just have a life support system sitting there in the room with you while you play with it..then when you get bit you can go on that for 3days till the venom is gone..LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by krichardson
thank you so much for the input!
i will defiantly check out that website! and i agree w/ what you are saying about buying them only encourages their sales...but i couldnt leave the poor thing in the condition it was in at the LFS...
i mean come on...they told me they tried to keep two octopi in a 10 gal tank together(different species even)!!
and guess what happened??..they fought each other and unfortunatly the mimic ended up with a missing tentacle because the other octo was bigger
... he was in pretty bad shape...
I think I would seriously get an assault charge for whipping some LFS employees hind quarters over that. Why oh why do people order animals for their stores if they can't take care of them. There is no room for ignorance when life is involved.