my new pet


Active Member
yes hes a pig, but i have a citron goby too, and hes not eating to well.. going to pick up some other food tonight to see if i can get him to eat something


Active Member
i am having trouble with my citron as well- he tries to eat- then spits it back out- i have tried 6 or 7 different foods so....?


Active Member
ya same here.. i tried mysis, silversides, formula 1 and 2.. puts it his mouth and spits it out, then the green clown comes and eats what he just spit out lol


Wow! Great looking fish. Our green clown Goby is pale compared to yours but he has soooo much personality. Has he picked a permanent home yet? Ours lives in our Umbrella Leather. Here he is.

bang guy


Originally posted by Herkemer
Our green clown Goby is pale compared to yours

Ummmm.... they change color to match their background.


I didn't know they would change color. He has always been about the same color ever since we got him. I learn something new everyday on this BB.