My New Purchases


Active Member
:happyfish :jumping: Just a couple of pics. of some of my B-day money purchases. All in all I bought some mushrooms (pic. not that great), yellow star polyps, green/purple brain, a couple zoas and 3 peppermint shrimp (very small), plus 40 lbs. of LS to replace my CC. Thinking about ordering about 50 lbs. of LR too.



Very nice!!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear barry, happy birthday to you!!!
Lol, i had to sing that while i was typing it in order to get it
I still have another few years before i can save enough to get the right lighting for corals and inverts...
i'm working on my seahorse tank first!



Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Very nice!!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear barry, happy birthday to you!!!
Lol, i had to sing that while i was typing it in order to get it
I still have another few years before i can save enough to get the right lighting for corals and inverts...
i'm working on my seahorse tank first!


Thanks Jenn! Good luck on the seahorses. They can be tough. I had great luck with mine while in Hawaii. I had 2 in a 25 gal. hex which was perfect because they really loved the tall sea fan I had in there. I fed mine live brine and daphia. (pssst..I had a mndarin in there too for over a year with them) HEHEHEHEHEHEH Sexy tank to have on the night stand.

I've got my eye on sone blood red zoas and a super pink ricordea too.


UHHHHH!!! i'm gonna tell on you!!! Lol!
I can't wait for the seahorses. It says they're for experts, but i want to try my hand at them. I found a website that sells them and guarantees they'll be eating frozen brine shrimp, enriched with this vitamin stuff, when i get them. The've been captive bread, so i trust it. It can't be that difficult, though. I think they say "expert" because "beginners" don't have any idea of how much time it will entail. I plan to devote at least 3 hours a day to my seahorse tank... even more on the weekends!
I'm so jealous!!! I want corals soooo bad...

Oh well....


Active Member
My birthday is next month no corals for me. Some salt and some new bulbs (not everything about this hobby is fun lol). For X-mas its a new test kit and some other stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
My birthday is next month no corals for me. Some salt and some new bulbs (not everything about this hobby is fun lol). For X-mas its a new test kit and some other stuff.
Hi snipe. My b-day is still several days away. HAHAHAHAHAHA I am going to order about 40 lbs. of base rock tonight and then when it comes I am clearing out the CC. Been thinking about doing some shopping too. Ha! I have a total of $400 to spend since it will be my 40th. Mine is the 1st of Oct. Yours?


Active Member
Happy birthday! Those are some REALLY nice yellow polyps. I can't seem to keep those healthy in my tank for some reason. ??
The open brain is nice as well. Don't feel badly about the blurry pic of the shrooms... I have awful luck when taking pics.


Active Member
Hi mud and thanks. I could swear that the largest mushroom is moving towards another coral branch. Hopefull thinking.
I love the yellows, they are so nice. The LFS where I got them has a lime green star polyp too that I like as well as a colt coral. Hope fully mine do well cause I love them and want more. :jumping:


Active Member
Mine is the 23rd. My sisters is the 21 (2 years and 2 days apart) and my cousin is exactly 3 weeks. We were suppose to be born on the same day but I was earlie. What can I say I always want it NOW and dont wanna wait lol.


YAY!!! It's nowhere close to my b-day, but i got 3 new additions to my tank in the past few weeks!!!
1. feather duster!!! Yay!
2. engineer goby - he's friggin sweet!!!
3. some sort of fairy wrasse... don't know exactly what kind yet... got an "ID please" post on this forum, so hopefully i'll know soon.
Not trying to brag, but i'm sooo excited!!!


Active Member
Well im getting some new corals this week. YAY for me lol.
A guy I know is giving me 3 months worth of shrooms he cut out of his tank. He picked up even more and zoo's at a local get together for me and some other things (its a secrete for when they get here). Dont know exactly how many but quite a bit all for free even shipping lol. Beat that LOL.


Active Member
Hey Jenn and snipe Great deals. I got one for ya. I ordered a zoathid colony on a very long piece of branch coral. They were moving their store so the seller and I both agreed to wait till it was better for them to ship. They were suppose to ship last Wed. but didn't. Got an email last night saying he now can't find my paid for item and instead is sending me 4 differnet ones including a RED.
I'm so stoked!


Originally Posted by hot883
Hey Jenn and snipe Great deals. I got one for ya. I ordered a zoathid colony on a very long piece of branch coral. They were moving their store so the seller and I both agreed to wait till it was better for them to ship. They were suppose to ship last Wed. but didn't. Got an email last night saying he now can't find my paid for item and instead is sending me 4 differnet ones including a RED.
I'm so stoked!
sweeet...def. get a couple shots of those when they come in. :joy:



Thanks barry!!! I know!!! I couldn't believe they had it at the LFS either. I saw an engineer goby, and i had to have it! They're so cool. Then i saw this guy, and i was like :scared: :scared: :scared: I'll never find anything like that again at this store!!! It was a tuff time deciding which one to get, but the hubby talked me into getting them both (shhh, don't tell anyone i introduced 2 fish to a tank at once...)
Yes, you'll definately have to send some pics when those zoos come!


Active Member
Yes I will send in pics. when they come in. I too so want 2 engineer gobies. THEY ARE SO awesome when they get bigger. I'm trying to buy a sump now that I will change into a fuge and then when it comes I need to dismantle my tank and start over with the substrate. I will document everything and post appropriately.


Do you know about how long they get? I heard one guy on here has one that's 9". Will it get bigger that that? (hopefully it will).


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Do you know about how long they get? I heard one guy on here has one that's 9". Will it get bigger that that? (hopefully it will).

I heard sevenish to nineish
I just know I really like their color and eel like appearance when they get bigger


okey dokey, thanks!

Me too... you know, about the color and eel appearance. I also needed something to stir the sandbed...