My New Purchases


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It is cheap. I bought from that place got 75lbs of rock. 50lbs honeycomb 25lbs of reef rock for $110 shipped.


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Originally Posted by Snipe
It is cheap. I bought from that place got 75lbs of rock. 50lbs honeycomb 25lbs of reef rock for $110 shipped.
I erased this response....hehe...


Barry barry bo barry banana nana fanna fo farry me my mo marry barry!

lol anyway. I have a question. What kind of lighting do you need to keep a brain? I'm asking because i wanna have a reef tank with some pretty cool corals, but i don't want to have to pay for MH lighting... it'll be about 5 months or so before i can do that. I was looking at a PC setup with 4X65 (2 actinic & 2 either 10,000k or 12,000k - BTW, what's the difference?) with dual ballasts and lunar lights. This would put me at about 4.7 watts per gallon. Is that good enough to keep a brain??? (if it is, i'll be soooo psyched, because then i can get my lights in october!!!) What about pulsing xenias? I saw some amazing xenias at my LFS! They were NEON green in the middle (like a black light were on them) with blue "fingers". I'm not certain they were pulsing xenias, but the fingers were opening and closing every few seconds... so i'm assuming they were.

And just to be correct, i know mushrooms and polyps don't have major lighting needs... what about zoos, i'd assume those would have the same requirements as polyps, correct? what about ricordea mushrooms? They have the same requirements as normal mushrooms, right? :thinking:


I have a 29g with 130watts PC, which is just over 4 watts per gallon. I have xenias that are growing like crazy (and by the way the things you saw were xenias, they're just a different kind, blue xenias or something like that, not sure of the name), i have yellow polyps, shrooms, zoos, frog spawn, all are doing great. Chances are all of the corals you mentioned will be fine under 260 watts PC 50/50 (thats what you were talking about right?)


Yeah, that's basically what i was getting at, although i won't have 4 50/50 bulbs, i'll have 2 actinic and 2 10,000 or 12,000k bulbs to simulate the dusk to dawn effect... Do you know what the difference is? I know it's all about the color, but i don't know exactly what... :thinking:


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Jenny wenny bobenny, fee fi fofenny, Jenny! Hi ya. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA just got my shippment today. They sent 5 total because he couldn't find the 1 that I bought. Just waiting for them to open and I will getcha a pic. I have a 55 with 260w P.C. The zoo's are med-high light med flow as I was told. I have my zoas as high as I can get them (1/2 way up the tank) and the brain is the same placement and requirements I hear. As far as lunars go. They count pretty much for nothing. They do absolutely nothing for fish or corals, it's fo you to Ouugh and Awww over. THATS IT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Yeah, that's basically what i was getting at, although i won't have 4 50/50 bulbs, i'll have 2 actinic and 2 10,000 or 12,000k bulbs to simulate the dusk to dawn effect... Do you know what the difference is? I know it's all about the color, but i don't know exactly what... :thinking:

Only difference is 12K's are better for color (makeing everything look prettier) they are also more on the blue side so it may slow down coral growth but not all together.
The 10K's are more yellow growing corals faster than 12K but they are yellow. They may also help the growth of algae as well.


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Congrats Hot!!! I love those Yellow polyps, but i too cant seem to keep them alive!! Anyway great job!! Todd


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy
Congrats Hot!!! I love those Yellow polyps, but i too cant seem to keep them alive!! Anyway great job!! Todd
Thanks Todd, I can't wait to post my NEw, new ones I got in the mail today


Congrats, barry!!! I can't wait to see pics.
Yeah, i want the lunar lights so i can ooohh and ahhh... I'll probably go with the 12,000k lights, as long as the corals can still live under them. Not too worried about them growing quickly, as i plan on having them for a long time, i just want the best looking lights.


I can afford whatever i want... really just depends on how long i want to wait... Me and the hubby have a cool system where we each get a monthly allowance... we're bad with money, and always used to spend more than we could afford. If i can get the PC's and still have the corals i want, i can get it in like 2 weeks!!! Otherwise, i have to wait a few months, and i don't wanna do that. Besides, that's wasted $$$ on corals i could've purchased!!!


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Ok, sorry so crappy pics. Camera is kicking some serious butt today. MINE! Yes some items are what I got last Sat. but there are some new ones. I promise to get better pics.



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Pretty cool pics. I have the green variety of the yellow ones posted. Spreading like wildfire. It came in two clusters. One was about 10 to 6 polyps and it is now about 40 polyps. The other was around 15 polyps some bleached and died after I got them from shipping left 8 and they havent spread. There big bright and green open every day but not spreading.


Active Member
Hey Snipe, these were a couple of weeks ago. I'm getting ready to tear down the whole thing and change out the substrate, rip apart my stand and put in a 150 gal rated sump/refugium w/skimmer.
