My New Purchases


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Originally Posted by Snipe
Alot of work. LOL glad its not me.
Oh, and I forgot the part about putting in another 40 lbs. of rock.


very nice! I love those mushrooms. I'm SOOOOO EXCITED to get my PC lights. I get to do that in 2 weeks!!! Then, for X-mas, joe's gonna get me some corals!!! I found some incredible xenias!! They're neon green (like blacklight is on it) with blue "fingers" I also found a brain with the same kind of effect! It was very nice looking! I Can't wait!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
very nice! I love those mushrooms. I'm SOOOOO EXCITED to get my PC lights. I get to do that in 2 weeks!!! Then, for X-mas, joe's gonna get me some corals!!! I found some incredible xenias!! They're neon green (like blacklight is on it) with blue "fingers" I also found a brain with the same kind of effect! It was very nice looking! I Can't wait!!!

Soungs great Jenn, You have mail. Tell me what ya think! I think I might have gotten some more mushrooms with that order yesterday, can't tell yet as they are still adjusting.


Active Member
Jenn, It works out to be about 12 gallons. Simple to find water volume" LxWxH= divided by 231= gallons. I looked at many ways to get this on the down cheap, butby the time you add all the parts together, it's close. So just get it all at once etc. And oh, by the way; Thanks for checking that out for me!


ah ha. didn't know that equation, and i'm too lazy to do it the long way. lol.
Well if you think it's a good deal, i'd say go for it. That skimmer alone would be about 200 buckaroos.


Active Member
Ok, so I had to go to Okla. City for a Pest Control Mtg and stopped by my favorite place. They had a buy 2 get 1 half off on corals and fish, so....I dropped another $200 today. Got 2 engineer gobies, 1 pajama cardinal (both in my QT) gorgonian, 2 hairy mushrooms on a huge 10 lb. piece of LR, featherduster, and a colony of polyps.
I'm so stoked and cannot wait to get the filtration system and the substrate switched over. I will try to get pics. tomorrow as everyone is acclimating and lights are off for the night.


Active Member
Im suppose to be getting a bunch of frags and small colonies sent out tomorrow. I know im getting at least 4 diffrent type of shrooms and some zoo's. There are some other things as well but I told him not to tell me as I want it to be a suprise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Im suppose to be getting a bunch of frags and small colonies sent out tomorrow. I know im getting at least 4 diffrent type of shrooms and some zoo's. There are some other things as well but I told him not to tell me as I want it to be a suprise.
Hey Snipe, Yea I like surprises like that. I ordered one frag, the seller lost it, sent me 5 to make up for it. WOW! Small , but a great jesture. I will post pics. tomorrow of mine unless I take off bow hunting early. HEHEHEHEHE


Active Member
I went squirrle hunting and sighted my rifle in over last weekend. My dad fell and put a big swolen knot on his leg (sighting the gun in). And he got into a yellow jacket nest squirrle hunting. Not his weekend lol. He got stung 4 times before we got far enough away to start smacking them off.


I already spent too much of my allowance this month, so i can't get my lights until next month!!! I'm sooooo sad!!!


Active Member
Snipe, thats funny, but it's not. Ha! Jenn, I'm sowwwy! As promised here are the pics.
When I get the rest of my rock in and stuff, then everything will be pulled back off the front.



very nice!!! i can't wait to see all of that with the sand!!! i'm so jealous!!!


Active Member
I got my rifle sighted in again.
The scope I bought was by far the biggest piece of poo in the world. I emailed the guy he told me to send it back ($20 to send it back to hongkong) forget that. I took it and traded it for a bushnell 6x18 that shoots so good I wish I just bought it to begin with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
I got my rifle sighted in again.
The scope I bought was by far the biggest piece of poo in the world. I emailed the guy he told me to send it back ($20 to send it back to hongkong) forget that. I took it and traded it for a bushnell 6x18 that shoots so good I wish I just bought it to begin with.
Bushnells are great so are Nikon's.
Hey snipe; send me an email and I will send a pic of my little 8 pointer I just took with my bow.
I grunted him in. I was only up in the tree for 3 minutes. Ha!


Active Member
Last year I took a doe but we searched for over half an hour and couldnt find her. She ran on some other neighbors land. There was more than 3 does in the bunch the one I hit went on there land with 3 or 4 others and they got the chance to down one. We were making our way on her trail and it ran into the fence well S***. We saw them up there and crossed the fence makeing our way over to see if we could have permision to finish following her on there land. We got about half way over there and she jumped up. I brought my gun up and was ready to shoot, my dad said take her. I said I cant I dont have permision so very angry and sad I had to let her go. We got up to them and they said yes and actually helped look for her. By that time she was barely dripping blood and had run into some of the thickest stuff were I couldnt go (I had just had surgery a week before). After the other kid about my age and my dad came out with no luck I said just have to try and get another one. I was very sad and agry that I didnt take her, but I didnt want to make them mad and not let me hunt on them again.
And yes I had surgery. I asked my doc how long he thought I would be out of it. He said about a week (gal-bladder remove). I was still very painfull and couldnt set on the ground for fear of not being able to get up and of course a tree stand was out of the question. We use climbing stands and that just wouldnt fly lol. Works the abs to mutch and I had 2 1"holes and 2 1/2 inches holes in my abdomen lol. So we took the base of a climbing stand out and put it on a tree and put some rocks up to make a platform for my feet (so they werent dangling). I set there very comfortable. But even after hunting just after surgery I still get the chance to bring a deer home.


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Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy
Congrats Hot!!! I love those Yellow polyps, but i too cant seem to keep them alive!! Anyway great job!! Todd
Damn yellow polyps won't thrive in my tank either. I think one of the other corals is poisoning them or my amphipods eat them at night (always amphipods crawling all over them at night).


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Damn yellow polyps won't thrive in my tank either. I think one of the other corals is poisoning them or my amphipods eat them at night (always amphipods crawling all over them at night).
I haven't had any problems yet with mine. My pods were out by the thousands this morning when I turned the lights on. I thought my fish had decreased their population, but don't think so now. HEHE!