My New Purchases


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happy birthday!
mine is oct 24th!! im with snipe though, no corals for me. i have to get a generator for when the winter comes, i want to get some t5s to go with my PCs, i need a refractometer, some more live rock, and to convince my mom to let me build a 30 gallon fuge for my 40 breeder (which may include having to pay to reenforce the ceiling), and then the rest of the parts for that.


Active Member
See. Just cant get around it lol. Need thoughs parts to keep corals that you cant afford to buy because you need more parts lol. Its a never ending cycle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Mine is the 23rd. My sisters is the 21 (2 years and 2 days apart) and my cousin is exactly 3 weeks. We were suppose to be born on the same day but I was earlie. What can I say I always want it NOW and dont wanna wait lol.
My b-day is November 21st and my sister is the 22nd, we're one year, one day and one sign apart. I'm a Scorpio and she's a Sagittarius. I'm the older one. We're VERY much different.... Happy B-day, those are wonderful gifts.... :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
My b-day is November 21st and my sister is the 22nd, we're one year, one day and one sign apart. I'm a Scorpio and she's a Sagittarius. I'm the older one. We're VERY much different.... Happy B-day, those are wonderful gifts.... :happyfish
Thanks Mikey, my son's birthday is Nov. 21, 1988. I am getting 5 more zoo's this week, plus ordering 40 lbs. reef bones and a protein skimmer and a refractometer. YeaH


well well well... Aren't you all so friggin special... with your birthdays nearby and all... ugh, whatever, I have to wait to stupid July for my b-day!!!
I guess there's always Christmas, though, right? *sigh* :thinking:


Active Member
Christmas is a split decions for me. Dont know if I want stuff for my saltwater tank or stuff for hunting season lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Christmas is a split decions for me. Dont know if I want stuff for my saltwater tank or stuff for hunting season lol.
I hear that. Bow season starts this Sat. here. I'm stoked and ready to go. Ha!


Active Member
Bow season started here september 15.
I sold my bow 2 years back and havent bow hunted since but I sure like rifle hunting. Just got a new scope for it. Tasco 6-24x50 eye reliefe, paralax 1/8" finger adjustment and red and green lighted range finding recticle. Found it for $89.


Active Member
I took 4 deer last year with my bow. Being on the shooting team in Hawaii while in the Marine Corps; rifle season really offers me no challenge ya know? Our deer are not huge thats why I maxed out the season with 7 and make jerky out of most. Ha!


Ok, this is where i depart from this thread... poor poor wittle deers... had no idea it was coming...


P.S. They are tasty, though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Ok, this is where i depart from this thread... poor poor wittle deers... had no idea it was coming...


P.S. They are tasty, though!
Ok sorry Jenn, my family needs to eat. Ha! I will reframe from this subject to keep you in OK! I like your P.S. though


lol... awww, that's sweet of you *googly eyes* lol...
I read online about the engineer goby, and all the websites i visited said they can get about 13"! I also read they need anywhere from 30g tank to a 100g tank... i figure my guy is good in my 55g for a few years!
And you know what... now that i think about it, my tank is waaayyyy overstocked, but i have not-a-one problem at all! lemme think... I have 16" of fish in my 55 gallon tank... I should really only have 14"... All my fish aren't even full grown at all... Oh well, as long as everyone's happy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
lol... awww, that's sweet of you *googly eyes* lol...
I read online about the engineer goby, and all the websites i visited said they can get about 13"! I also read they need anywhere from 30g tank to a 100g tank... i figure my guy is good in my 55g for a few years!
And you know what... now that i think about it, my tank is waaayyyy overstocked, but i have not-a-one problem at all! lemme think... I have 16" of fish in my 55 gallon tank... I should really only have 14"... All my fish aren't even full grown at all... Oh well, as long as everyone's happy!

The poooooeleece are gonna come getcha in da middle of da night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Don't worry, i'll be ready...

Jenn, just got my 40# reef bones for about half price.
I am going to use them as my base and can add then immediately as they are shipped dry.(no die off) My established rock is full of life and will encrust the new base very quickly. :cheer: I'm also going to break some up in rubble to place next to my yellow star polyps so they can spread.


Barry, what are reef bones... is this the same as base rock? I've never heard of this before...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Barry, what are reef bones... is this the same as base rock? I've never heard of this before...

Reef bones are like a big box of coral branch that is dead (not in water) Stck those on the bottom and you have a unending supply of stable caves and hide outs. See I'm getting prepared for my E. Gobies


So it's kinda like dried out dead hard coral? hmmm... interesting. I've never heard that before, but i guess you use something every day.
Is this to support the LR so it's not touching the sand?


Active Member
Its just a type of rock.
On the deer thing I know what ya mean. My first bow hunting season (about 12 or so) I had a 6 point buck walk about 20yards from me. I tried to stand but I was so shacky I could barely stand up lol. It spooked and run alittle ways I pulled the binocs out and got a look at him. To bad didnt get to shoot though. Last year was my best year but still no deer. I shot at 3 or 4 but pretty thick places and shooting a 22-250 dont make for easy shooting lol. Anyway not to take your thread over just thought I would add that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Its just a type of rock.
On the deer thing I know what ya mean. My first bow hunting season (about 12 or so) I had a 6 point buck walk about 20yards from me. I tried to stand but I was so shacky I could barely stand up lol. It spooked and run alittle ways I pulled the binocs out and got a look at him. To bad didnt get to shoot though. Last year was my best year but still no deer. I shot at 3 or 4 but pretty thick places and shooting a 22-250 dont make for easy shooting lol. Anyway not to take your thread over just thought I would add that.
Jenn and snipe. Thats exactly what I bought. I asked the guy if I could pay using a money order since the listing said paypal. He emailed me back sayingthat the prices were posted wrong and I got it for 1/2 of what I was gonna buy it for.
It will help keep the LR off the sand, but just mainlt to add more rock. In about 2 weeks or so the way tank is it will be full of coraline.