i have a small (< 3") cowfish in my 29 gal... i'm not really sure what's wrong with him..... he was okay this morning, then i came home tonight and he's lying around on the bottom, and i found him stuck to the filter twice. he's not pumping his gills or showing any other signs of distress or sickness, he just can't really swim.... his fins will go like crazy but he can't go anywhere, just sinks. i had the water tested and the nitrates are high (the tank is still cycling), so i'm in the process of a 30% water change.. is there anything else i can do?
gah, i moved 3 tanks from my old apartment to my new one and now i'm having all kinds of problems..... *sigh*
gah, i moved 3 tanks from my old apartment to my new one and now i'm having all kinds of problems..... *sigh*