my poor cowfish.....

i have a small (< 3") cowfish in my 29 gal... i'm not really sure what's wrong with him..... he was okay this morning, then i came home tonight and he's lying around on the bottom, and i found him stuck to the filter twice. he's not pumping his gills or showing any other signs of distress or sickness, he just can't really swim.... his fins will go like crazy but he can't go anywhere, just sinks. i had the water tested and the nitrates are high (the tank is still cycling), so i'm in the process of a 30% water change.. is there anything else i can do?
gah, i moved 3 tanks from my old apartment to my new one and now i'm having all kinds of problems..... *sigh*


Active Member
well to start off, why do you have a cowfish in a tank that is cycling? have you done any research at all on that animal, or how to properley cycle a tank? you asked if there is anything else you can do? Yes there is, get the dang cowfish out of the cycling 29g tank. They really should make getting a saltwater tank like getting a **************, people need to learn the basics of how to start the car before they go trying to race the thing.'s cycling because i just moved it to my new apartment, using 50% old water and 50% new water. i've had the cowfish for over a year and been keeping saltwater fish for 3 years.
or did you not read that part about moving the tanks and were just looking for something to jump on someone about?


If your nitrates are high your tank is probably done doing any cycle it was doing. A 30 % water change will definitely help. What are your nitrates at? As far as your cowfish goes, do you have any coral? I had a cowfish in my tank and the exact same thing happened. Perfect one hour and then on the bottom looking as though it lost its eq. It later died. I hope that your does better.
naw, thanks for your reply, he died while i was at work today. even dead i can't see any signs of disease, must have just been stress from the nitrates.... *sigh* and i was so pleased to have been able to keep a cowfish for over a year...