My Purple and Blue Hornets


Active Member
Here is my Blue Hornet i got about 3 weeks ago:

My Purple Hornet i got yesterday:(Was just fragged so its a lil guy)

Thanks for looking



Active Member
it depends on water quality and what not... Im Starting to show a 2nd poly on my Blue, so hope soon i will have another.
I have pretty good luck with zoa growth from what i already have, so i hope it spreads to the hornets


LOL...I'm very impatient, BUT I have been looking at some beautiful zoas...they are pricey...but frags are 3/19.99 (example) thats why I was wondering about their growth rate


Nice. I pmed JimC the other day and he doesn't have any to frag right now, so I am still on the hunt for the blue. If you happen to come by anymore please let me know.


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
My Blue Hornet gettin in a baby polyp:

....and i think my Purple is too, couldnt get a good pic:

That's one sick colored zoa!!! Wish I could find some like this one. Care to sell a poly when there's more?


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
will do, got like 3 or 4 in front tho lol
figured i would throw a pic of my Evelasting Gobstopper in
When i got it 2 months ago:


Wow! Those are incredible! I have a really long list of zoas I want and those have been on there forever! : ) Lucky!


Active Member
May I ask, in your opinion do you think zoas in general need a really strong light to colorup well and grow well??
I have a 3 gal pico with 18 watts of pc lighting over it. My few zoas are doing well but I am worried about the blues I just bought, they are no where near as nice as yours. They are a light blue with brown fringe, look something like Tubbs but I know they are not Tubbs. The mother colony the guy had it was this same color a bit brighter blue but not much. So with different lighting would they become more blue or stay the same??
I just don't wan them to fade out to an all brown zoa, can this happen??


Active Member
LIfe- Thanks alot, the my fav zoas too, i also have a huge list of Zoas i still want
Debbie- Im pretty sure that lighting will have a big impact on color and growth.. What i would do with your blues is maybe move the higher on the rock and see if they get some color back. Hope that helps, if not ask away hehe