My Queen Died

I have had a Queen Conch in my tank since January and found her empty shell yesterday on the sandbed :( She was absolutly my favorite snail in the tank and never saw anyone picking on her. Have no idea why she died.
Here is a pic I took of her a couple of weeks ago.
:( :( :( :(
Thanks DvSKiN, I was new to the hobby when I got her and the LFS told me she would be fine with my DSB. Of course I've since learned to not go by what the LFS say. It sucks though knowing she starved to death slowly :(
Knowing is half the battle,


Not sure if you knew this or not, but 3" of sand from what i've read here really isn't DEEP. You may want to add more sant to make the bed beneficial....
Sorry for the Loss, we all learn from our mistakes in this hobby.

bang guy

It's not the depth of the sandbed that makes a difference for a Queen (my favorite snail), it's the surface area. In general a square foot of sandbed per inch of snail is acceptable.


I see mine on the glass a lot near the top.
I don't know if this is good or bad.
I also have/had 5 Mexican Dwarf Hermits.
They were responsible for many snail/hermit deaths.