sad fish
New Member
My girls and I are very uneducated about our 55 gallon salt water tank. We can keep new fish for a few weeks and then one by one they die. We have had a blue damsel, a black and white striped damsel for quite a while now. We added a red and white striped lobster looking guy and a chocolate chip star fish a few weeks ago and they are happy. But at the same time we added a dot dash angel, a fish that was purple and yellow as well as a pajama fish and a tomatoe clown. The first two died in the night a few days apart and we removed the clown but I am guessing the girls were too rough because he didn't look well at all in the small tank and he passed within a day or so. I am seriously upset about the amount of money we have spent doing this in a trial and error type of way (as well as seriously embarrasing). But the worst is that my five little girls are devastated each time one passes away. It is quite the production at my house when they are found... I live in a small town and have been going to the same pet store for a while and then ventured out to a ***** about an hour and a half from home for some better help. We have been using the little dip strips to test the water and it always looks good other than the salt seems to be low. I have read on this site that we should be using a different type of testing for our water quality, can you tell me more about that? It seems that the damsels are living through some more difficult water conditions than the other fish can handle???? And what is this that I read about the possibility of stray volage in the tank? how do I test for that? I don't want to spend a bunch of money on this fish tank but it seems to me that we are at huge loss for knowledge! please help, we need to start with the basics.