My sand sifting star is dead...


New Member
My peppermint was worthless, he ate the little tiny aiptasia, but couldn't handle the giant ones. The 6" bristle worm that came with the coral devoured them in about 12 hours. Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the bristle worm...


Originally Posted by ChronicCoral35
Would he eat a small piece of the frozen brine I feed my clowns if I break it off? I mean if he DOES eat, will he eat that? because I will try to feed him...I don't want em dying on me to quick.
I've had a little success feeding mine frozen mussels.. just place a little under his arm and he may go for it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ajclarke00
My peppermint was worthless, he ate the little tiny aiptasia, but couldn't handle the giant ones. The 6" bristle worm that came with the coral devoured them in about 12 hours. Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the bristle worm...

Are you saying you have a large Bristleworm that eats Aiptasia?


6" bristle is pretty big but probably no need for concern. In the past, people saw them as pests but if you have enough detritus and algae, they shouldn't bother your corals. You can try trapping him if you really want to get him or be lightning fast with a pair of tweezers. Just remember to wear gloves. Those bristles do hurt a bit if you touch them.


Sorry for your loss. IMO you added the SSS too early. Im no expert, but until you got at least two years in dont add any star fish. I have a 125 with 3-5 inches of sand and at least 100 # of rock. My SSS is hard to find, you see a leg here or the center of him just below the surface over there.....very rare to see him moving on the surface of the sand or glass and never on the rocks. I havent tried to spot feed, didnt see the need. Everything Ive read, they eat small things in the sand including starfish, which I got a boat load of mutant starfish living in my tank. Im not sure of the name, but they are small 6 or 7 legged only 1/2 of the legs grow, weird looking things...........and the usual copepod and worm infestation, which Im not sure if they eat or not. But, Ive only had mine for 12 months, I hear your not successful until you got at least 18 months or more................just my .02. Good luck.