sweet, thanks crimzy, and hey man, check out the drawing i just hurriedly worked up on paint shop and tell me what ya think of that, or if i should tweak it and where i should tweak it lol
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835401
sweetness, ok, now, what size pump/filter should i have sitting in the fuge?
For 2 x 20 gallons, I'd go with a 600 gph return pump.
and here's the work-up doing the changes you said to do. ok, mag drive pump, 600gph, what else would u recommend? and what should i use as the filtration for the sump/refugium?
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835407
and cant i put like some screens over each of the holes to keep fish from going through em? so they dont try an switch tanks and what not?
Yes, you can put some egg crate or material between the tanks. But you would have to make sure that whatever you put in to divide the tanks does not slow the water flow too much or the first tank would overflow. You'd also have to make sure that whatever is between does not get clogged and end up causing an overflow. Egg crate would probably be your best bet because it is unlikely to clog.
sweet sweet, also, what kinda protein skimmer/uv filter and what not would u recommend? and the tester kit im lookin at gettin is a saltwater master test kit, thats the full name on the kit, do u know anything about them? and just how big a sump would u personally go with? 20g or 30g?
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835410
and here's the work-up doing the changes you said to do. ok, mag drive pump, 600gph, what else would u recommend? and what should i use as the filtration for the sump/refugium?
The sump/fuge is a natural filter. You just need to fill the middle chamber with livesand, liverock rubble and macro algae. These will give you the filtration that you need. I also keep some scavengers in the fuge to take care of uneaten food and debris. Keep in mind that the refugium will need some type of light over it to grow the macro algae. But you can get away with cheap, clip-on lights from home depot.
I would do a submersible protein skimmer in the last chamber (not a hang-on skimmer). I say submersible because skimmers will generally overflow at some point. If it overflows back into your sump you don't have a problem. If it's hanging on the outside, then it can overflow onto your floor.
ok, should i do a uv sterilizer and what not? ive heard mixed things about using those, but, eh, i dunno lol, and what brand would u recommend on the protein skimmer?
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835414
sweet sweet, also, what kinda protein skimmer/uv filter and what not would u recommend? and the tester kit im lookin at gettin is a saltwater master test kit, thats the full name on the kit, do u know anything about them? and just how big a sump would u personally go with? 20g or 30g?
I probably wouldn't invest in a UV quite yet. Their actual usefulness is pretty debateable. I don't know about protein skimmers for that size system. Personally I would get the largest sump that you can... preferably 30 or 40 gallons. But the size of the sump is limited by whether it can fit in your stand or not. You have to measure the openings in your stand and figure out what you can fit in there.
well, the stand is gonna be totally custom, built by me an my gf's dad, he's an awesome wood worker, as i stated in my other thread and with the set up the way its gonna be, we're gonna have to go with a totally custom stand anyway LOL thankfully he's a master at it LOL. and what manufacturer do u prefer on ur skimmers? and will they acually be rated for a certain size? or should i possibly double on the size?
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835427
well, the stand is gonna be totally custom, built by me an my gf's dad, he's an awesome wood worker, as i stated in my other thread and with the set up the way its gonna be, we're gonna have to go with a totally custom stand anyway LOL thankfully he's a master at it LOL. and what manufacturer do u prefer on ur skimmers? and will they acually be rated for a certain size? or should i possibly double on the size?
The bigger the better is a good rule of thumb for skimmers. Coralife makes a reasonably priced, good skimmer. People love CPR's but I never had one. The Deltecs are the upper echelon of skimmers. Do not get a Seaclone.
sweet, yeah, ive heard a lot of people talk about coralife, so ill check them out and get some prices on em. what im basically trying to do is price everything out so we'll have a good idea of how much we're gonna be spending on the set up, and can then start saving up for it lol. ok, another question LOL how much live sand and LR would u use? and i guess ill prolly go with 40g for the sump/refugium, going with the biggest we can get lol
also, on the topic of lights, what kinda lights, wattage an all, do u think i should get? the gf is wanting to go reef with hers, im wanting a fowlr LOL but, u know how it goes, happy wife/gf/fiance= a happy life LOL
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835434
sweet, yeah, ive heard a lot of people talk about coralife, so ill check them out and get some prices on em. what im basically trying to do is price everything out so we'll have a good idea of how much we're gonna be spending on the set up, and can then start saving up for it lol. ok, another question LOL how much live sand and LR would u use? and i guess ill prolly go with 40g for the sump/refugium, going with the biggest we can get lol
You probably are going to want 20-30 lbs of livesand and as much liverock rubble as possible. The rubble is better for a fuge than larger pieces because, although less attractive, it does a better job with biological filtration. More surface area = better filtration capacity. Again, hate to sound redundant but you want as much as possible. If you fill that sucker with liverock rubble, it will contribute to a much healthier system.
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer thats the protein skimmer i just found, it does go right into the sump/refugium right? and the one im lookin at is rated for 65 gallons at 325 gph, do u think that will be enough? or should i go bigger?
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835436
also, on the topic of lights, what kinda lights, wattage an all, do u think i should get? the gf is wanting to go reef with hers, im wanting a fowlr LOL but, u know how it goes, happy wife/gf/fiance= a happy life LOL
If you want a true reef, without a ton of limitations on your stuff, you want metal halide lights... 150 watts should do for either tank.
Originally Posted by mboswell1982 http:///forum/post/2835439
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer thats the protein skimmer i just found, it does go right into the sump/refugium right? and the one im lookin at is rated for 65 gallons at 325 gph, do u think that will be enough? or should i go bigger?
That one should be fine.