My sexy shrimp died in 4-5 hours! Why??

coral keeper

Active Member
My sexy shrimp died in 4-5 hours! I acclimated it for 1 hour. It was perfectly fine when I just put it in. Why did it die?

angler man

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
My sexy shrimp died in 4-5 hours! I acclimated it for 1 hour. It was perfectly fine when I just put it in. Why did it die?

Have you checked your parameters lately? I did a 3 hour drip for my shrimp, maybe the acclimation time was too fast for him?


i floated my peppermint shrimp for 10 mins then dumoed him into the tank. been a few days all is good.


Active Member
I think all this hours of acclimation is STUPID. If you bought it online and shipped then you left it to drip in its nasty water for that much longer.
I have never done anything more then a 10min float and in. Never lost anything.
I t probably died cause it was about to anyway. Or something might be wrong in your tank or maybe something killed it in the tank.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
I think all this hours of acclimation is STUPID. If you bought it online and shipped then you left it to drip in its nasty water for that much longer.
I have never done anything more then a 10min float and in. Never lost anything.
I t probably died cause it was about to anyway. Or something might be wrong in your tank or maybe something killed it in the tank.
I hate to admit it, but my experience is more akin to yours. I generally don't spend more than 10-30 minutes acclimating anything and have had very good success. Having said that, I only purchase things that are very hardy, so that may be a reason for my success.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
My sexy shrimp died in 4-5 hours! I acclimated it for 1 hour. It was perfectly fine when I just put it in. Why did it die?

I killed several shrimp this way before I finally figured out my problem. It was the salinity. There was such a major difference between mine & the water in the bag that the shrimp came from (lfs kept there's VERY low). Thus, this required a much, much slower & longer acclimation process. Shrimp are very delicate when it comes to water condition changes. Some of mine lasted a couple hours, some were dead within minutes. Since figuring this out, haven't lost one since.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I killed several shrimp this way before I finally figured out my problem. It was the salinity. There was such a major difference between mine & the water in the bag that the shrimp came from (lfs kept there's VERY low). Thus, this required a much, much slower & longer acclimation process. Shrimp are very delicate when it comes to water condition changes. Some of mine lasted a couple hours, some were dead within minutes. Since figuring this out, haven't lost one since.
I did do the drip acclimation for 1 hour. But I didn't do it with a tube. I would get a turkey baster and add a little water ever min or 2.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I did do the drip acclimation for 1 hour. But I didn't do it with a tube. I would get a turkey baster and add a little water ever min or 2.
That's what I was doing to mine, and shrimp would appear absolutely fine until entry into the tank. Then, they would settle down on a rock for a little while, then slowly become "zombie" like, eventually laying down on the bottom of the tank and just allowing a snail or anything else to come up and eat them. It was the shock that immobilzed them. Now I drip, very slowly, for several hours, test both waters and keep dripping until the waters match identical in temp, salinity, and anything else that you normally test for.


Active Member
it was probably going to die no matter what. if it lasted 4-5hrs then it wasnt with the acclimation which I still think is a bunch of BS


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
it was probably going to die no matter what. if it lasted 4-5hrs then it wasnt with the acclimation which I still think is a bunch of BS
yes... almost everyone in the hobby, every website that sells online, and every LFS i deal with agrees that acclimation is neccessary, but you don't agree...that's not odds i'll take.
the shrimp wasn't necessarily going to die. anything dead in less than 24 hrs usually points towards acclimation shock.