My shark


Active Member
Very nice looking shark. You will want to invest in a larger tank pretty soon though, a 100gal just ain't gonna cut it. Is he eating pretty good? That remora will get big fast. They are pigs. Bo


I didnt think a remora was in the shark family... remoras are very fast and soon if not now it will be a pain to feed the banded because of the remora (I speak from experience with a remora) I still have it in my 300 at work..luckily for me my aquarium maintance buddy wants it for a hotel tank...... I hope you get a larger tank for both..
IMO, get rid of the fluvals and get a wet/dry... once you clean the fluvals all your beneficial bacteria is gone...


Yeah, the Remora is already a hog. When I drop Silversides in, he eats about 4 of them before letting some get to the bottom for the Banded. The Banded eats rather well. At first, I had to feed with a stick, but now he smells the food and comes out to get it. I am going to get a bigger tank. I want a 125g, but I am going to wait until I move in a few months so i dont have to tear it back down to move it. Splash, can you give me more info on a wet/dry?? Also, you have any pics of your Remora?


Splash is right, a remora fish is not a shark at all.
I also agree on the larger tank, but would suggest you aim higher than a 125.


Yeah remoras are bony fish i think.
I also say get a wet/dry and a bigger tank. A 125 wont cut it either but its better than a 90. And personally I'd keep using a feeding stick just to make sure all the food gets eaten and that the bamboo gets enough and the remora doesn't get too much, but its not a necessity.
Do a search for "wet/dry filter" here and you'll find your info.


Yeah, i'll do research before I purchase a new tank. Novice, compliments on your new fish, it's great looking. When it comes to feeding, I make sure enough gets to the Bambo. I stand there and watch him eat.

Originally posted by SaltFisher
I am going to get a bigger tank. I want a 125g

Originally posted by SaltFisher from Photography

Yes, it is in a 90g. For all you who don't like it, who cares. I will keep the fish in there until it gets too big and them I will remove it.

I hope the post you made here in the aggressive forum is true and the one from photograghy false. But That is all I can do.
Nice banded , need a bigger tank.


Snakes, why did you feel the need to bring the drama from that thread to this one? You people love starting things.


It seems to me that you are the one who "loves starting things". If you were going to upgrade to a bigger tank then why didn't you say that in the other thread??? Instead you told people "who cares" and basically that you were NOT going to upgrade, then you come here and say your going to upgrade. Some People....sheesh!


Yeah I think he brought it up because in one thread you say you're upgrading and in the other you say you're keeping it in the 90 until it gets to big. I dont think he was trying to start anything.
EDIT- And just to say something in saltfishers defence, I think the people in the last thread were overreacting a bit. The shark is fine in that tank space wise for the time being(I belive you said it was only about 9" right?). I was especially surprised that Ryebread was among them too.


Active Member
oh yeah sure a 9" shark is fine in a 90 gallon are you high?????
Yet you kept, and killed a blue hippo tang in a 40g tank.


Ok ok hold on here. Do you even know anything about these sharks? They lay on the bottom of the tank ALL OF THE TIME. They are NOT constantly in motion. I am NOT saying a 90g will be fine for life. But for the time being it is fine. I suggest you read Scott W. Michaels book Aquarium Sharks and Rays(He even states that a standard 55g is fine for juviniles) before you tell me I must be high or something.
I realise that the people in the other thread are looking out for the animals well being but many of them have the wrong information.
Oh and show me where I said the shark would be fine for life in a 125 if that comment was directed at me.


Active Member
i kept him in their for 2 weeks and he died from ick and yes he was getting garlic in his food to help that and it went away and came back.yeap thats all my fault a week after he passed i had the 75 up and running before you talk about that, talk to fshhub the one that i talk to about my fish and tank ok bo and by the way he was 1 1/2"


Oh yeah one more thing. You brought up novices tank. If you think about it, he has a baby blacktip and a leopard(both BIG active sharks) in a tank that adults would never be able to live in, but you dont have a problem with that? Is it ok for some people to put sharks in tanks promising to upgrade but not for others? Its a lot easier to upgrade to a 200g than to a 5000g.
Note to novice: I'm in no way trying to knock your tank(I hope to have one like it someday), just using it as an example.


Active Member
well if you think about it in another post he said Yes, it is in a 90g. For all you who don't like it, who cares. I will keep the fish in there until it gets too big and them I will remove it.that sure sounds like a person who cares,and then we have someone keeping a shark in a huge tank.You know what sure they could be kept in a 90gallon problem is some people never upgrade. im just saying from the other thread i didnt believe he was going to upgrade if you are asking why i dont think he will upgrade go to photography and go to photography and read my shark pics then maybe you'll see why its hard to think he's going to upgrade