My Sincerest Apologies!


Lion and DEA, don't fight over me! I'm not worth it ;-) I appreciate the Butterfly suggestion. Since I DO like the look of the anemone's (and I did plan on a Copperband eventually) I'll keep them until I get the butterfly. If they DO get out of hand before then I guess I'll Joe Juice them. But remember, I'm still pretty new at this so I have no idea what Joe Juice is (and I dread the possibilities, heheheh).
I'll do a search for it, no need to respond. And thanks to everybody who have been kind enough to give me a warm welcome back (with compliments thrown in too!) since my last post.


Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
The tank looks fantastic!!! Much better than the first one. Please keep us updated with pictures as you add more fish!!

Will do! My last hobby was photography so pics are no problem. Unless I sell my Nikon D70 for more live rock, that is


Originally Posted by oreo12
My niger triger is always out. But then I did save him from deathco. I think it is the fastest growing saltwater fish I have ever had. Nice looking tank
I was told he would eventually come out and play. This is only his second day in the tank. He's just a LOT more shy than any fish I've previously had, which is strange considering the badass trigger rep.


They hide at nite they can get in and out of the smallest places. I belive I could feed it by hand if i Tried maybe I will try tonight. I had a pirania that liked to be hand feed once.


This one hides all day too. I just fed him and he swam around more of the tank than he did last night, but went into hiding as soon as he was done (even between bites). He looks so cool against the LR background. I can't wait til he gets comfortable.


I also have a huma huma they are both my fav. I don't belive this one ever hide out. I saw some befor when I was looking for one to buy but they were allways hideing out so I overlooked them. This one had ich when I bought him at deathco but I had it in my tankand was treating it so I brought it home and saved its live. Mine looks allmost purpel


Staff member
Hey, FOs have its place. Most of us have had them with degrees of success, so don't beat yourself up. Like our tanks, we evolve in this hobby.


Originally Posted by mystic7
This one hides all day too. I just fed him and he swam around more of the tank than he did last night, but went into hiding as soon as he was done (even between bites). He looks so cool against the LR background. I can't wait til he gets comfortable.
and it takes shows a lot of character to post what you did....kudos

Try walking by your tank fish freak if I walk by real fast....My Humu swam back and forth along the front glass and never hid behing anything...
I do have a fish that is actually camera shy....I sit in front of my tank and he swims around but as soon as I pull the camera up he dives behind rocks and peeks out
...put the camera down and he's back out...kinda funny


Sorry, he's not doing interviews right now ;-)
Believe me, I couldn't walk any slower or more gracefully if I was a ballerina. He actually spots me across the room sitting on the sofa and hides. Hey, I'm so used to the tank being empty that I can wait him out. No rush :)
I can't believe how busy this board is. 29 responses and the thread was still about 10 posts down.
Thanks for the kudos, but I really deserved to swallow my pride and admit I was wrong. I've since convinced my brother that it was dumb luck that we had with the old 140.


I've actually added some live rock since that picture was taken. Seeing some of the other member tanks I'm quite surprised that I'm getting this many compliments, but hey, I'm not complaining. Thanks!
This is the last time I respond to the welcome backs and compliments, lest I be accused of bumping my thread :)


M7... Holy crap, you're my neighbor!! I'd love to see your tank in person, and I have joes juice you can borrow.
Nice tank, BTW, as if you haven't heard...


Originally Posted by mystic7
This is the last time I respond to the welcome backs and compliments, lest I be accused of bumping my thread :)
You do not get accused of "bumpage" when your responding to comments. Bumpage is only a bad thing when you've done it 10 times in a half hour to get a quicker response, LOL...


Hey Tizzo, I'd love to have you come over and see the tank. I'd also appreciate you giving my filtration a lookover and making recommendations. I'll send you a PM with my contact info.


Well, I see that you have your "contact by email" option turned off. You can email me at and I'll reply with my phone number and address. Looking forward to hearing from you!


It's not off by choice, I don't think I can change it...
Anyway, you got mail, now delete your email addy or every pharmaceutical co. will be sending you crap.


Actually that's the email address I use for purposes like this. They can send all the junk mail they want to that one. Ironically I almost never get spam at that address!