my snake is bigger than yours!!!

I am a hunter, and I respect the wildlife that I encounter. My son and I have crossed paths with venemous snakes on several occasions. Last year we chased a snake for 10 minutes so we could hear him rattle.
This was the first time I felt necessary to kill one.
I am not one of those folks that think that the only "good snake is a dead snke".
But, It was at my deer blind, and within 4 feet of my boy, so...
Snake realy does taste like chicken

bang guy

I miss eating Rattlesnake (from my Arizona days). That's the largest Timber I've ever seen. We have a few Eastern Diamonbacks that get very large but they're on the endangered list so we leave them alone.


what was the point of this post to make you look cool for killing a rattler. well guess what a guy i work with not only breeds rattle snakes he has a 65in so don't be bragging about a 51 thats just cruel to kill him too. Oh and why in the heck would you chase a venomus snake just to hear it rattle. did you know that half the time they won't rattle especially if they are being chased. why don't you head down to india and chase a big beautiful king cobra that way he will not behungry for a few weeks

bang guy

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion. I don't think there's a shortage of Timber Rattlesnakes in Georgia so what's the problem with eating one? Doesn't sound like he just goes around and randomly kills snakes for no reason.
Thanks, Bang
No I do not kill snakes willy nilly. I have let more pass than not.
The reason we chased one was so that my son could hear it's rattle and recognize it. Not to mention it was fun.
T reason I shot this one is that it was very near our permanent deer bilnd, & I would hate to step on one that big in the dark.
As it was, my boy almost stepped on this guy.:eek:


blah you always have one person to flame every thread.... :rolleyes: Cool snake... Ive never had the chance to eat any but I woudl take the chance if it presented it self.


Well i think it's pretty cool and if it was within 50 feet of my kid i'd kill it. But that's just me.


Staff member
Next time someone talks about how rotten they treated their tank, or fish or corals, I say, "so what, everyone is entitled to whatever! What's the big deal?"
Yes, everyone is entitled, blah, blah....but what would be the point to come on a BB to brag about it with a thread titled, "my snake is bigger than yours" just itching to attract the snake lovers to this thread who everyone knows comes here to this forum to talk about their pet snakes. :thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Next time someone talks about how rotten they treated their tank, or fish or corals, I say, "so what, everyone is entitled to whatever! What's the big deal?"
Yes, everyone is entitled, blah, blah....but what would be the point to come on a BB to brag about it with a thread titled, "my snake is bigger than yours" just itching to attract the snake lovers to this thread who everyone knows comes here to this forum to talk about their pet snakes. :thinking:

Wow . . . I think you are reading WAY to far into this. I highly doubt that ill intentions were in mind when this thread was started.
Seriously . . . Lighten up people!
I had no intention of offending snake lovers or anyone else for that matter.
And I appologise to anyone that I did.

I don't ever recall reading about any snake lovers' posts here, but now tht you mention it, I guess that there probably have been some.
I certainly wasn't trying to entice anyone to view my post under false pretenses


Staff member
Ok, maybe I am sensitive since I fall into the "snake lover" category. I apologize. But the title of the thread did strike me as being an invitation for snake-friendly people, who then get hit with a graphic hunting event as soon as you open the thread. Now if you had put, "Hunting Trip Event" or something, I guess it would have been pretty obvious what the topic was about. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.
I know people hunt and as long as they don't do it illegally, I am not going to pursecute anyone for doing it.
I see your point Beth.
But you gotta admit that is one big snake!
I like snakes in general. I think that they are lousy pets, but I like them around my house (non-venemous) to control pests.
I hate to see some guy with a shovel going after a 12" garden snake 'cuz he "hates those things"


Staff member
Glad to hear you don't condone indiscriminately killing snakes. The world would be a pest invested place without them! "Ben" world-wide, I think.
I have a 5' python and have handled up to 15' Burmease constrictor. The Burmese could have easily killed me if so inclined. Instead, he was a sweat fella who was happy to get some much needed help from me.
I am not suggesting to anyone to handle a large constrictor. No one should ever handle a snake that large alone.
A good friend of mine had a 14' snake of some sort. He used to come and get me when it was feeding time...those things are quick when they are hungry!
Big rats disappear in a hurry

bang guy

We have Corn Snakes around here. I love them. They're gorgeous as well as functional. I like Flame Angelfish and Rabbitfish too but that's not ever going to stop me from enjoying a Salmon fillet.
Peace Beth.... :happyfish