Originally posted by aarone
no ferraris...i have to be logical if i want to do well in life
maybe if i invest my money correctly i can buy a ferrari in a few years
So to do well in life, you have to be rich? You mean to do well in wealth, right? I think most would agree you can do well in life without being rich. Could life be better being a billionaire? Possibly. Your material things would be better, that's probably for sure. But obviously there is much more to life than material things. How would your relationships with people change if you were a billionaire? What about your attitude towards others? There are many other factors to consider. I personally know people from both ends of the wealth spectrum - some with net worths over 250 million and some with their net worth being their $800 car, couch, and 14" TV. Some of the happiest people I know fit closer to the last mentioned spectrum - and they are so because they devote their energy to who they know and care about. Don't let money rule your life - if you do, you'll probably never be satisfied. Remember, money is not bad - but it's only a tool. Good luck with your stock. I hope you have other, more stable investments to balance the risk you are taking on.