My sun coral collection!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jawfish101
It takes me about a half hour to feed, because they are complete pig!
i'm getting ticked at my turkey baster. the darn thing around the neck where the bulb attaches keeps letting air out instead of pushing the food out the tube. but yea, it does take a while to fully feed mine as well. about 10-15 mins for about 8 polyps.


Active Member
They are very nice additions to any tank but IMO it's too much work to keep up with them.


Active Member
I had a small colony of about 10 heads and after I came back from a 10 day vacation they were dead!!!


Very nice!! By the way, ime, light doesnt matter one way or the other. Mine are directly under lights and it always looks like this.
They are a lot of work and need to be fed at least every 3 days.


Active Member
I miss my sun corral!
It was my favorite. I lost it when my tank crashed in July. My LFS has a small one and I'm thinking of getting it. They are a lot of work, but well worth it!!


Active Member
yes they are tough to keep. i have had one for many month but it is slowly dying because my tank is too deep for me to feed it properly all the time. if anyone is interested in saving a moderately healthy Carnation Sun coral you can email me.
im not looking for anything in return, but i wouldnt turn down a small donation either.


Very nice sun corals. I took your advice about spot feeding each polyp and the coral seems happy with it. Each polyp filled up with food and held on. As for the light, mine don't seem to care whether they are in direct or indirect light, and it does make it easier to feed. I'm glad you posted the black polyp pics. I was curious to see what they looked like open.


Heres a pic of my sun corals your are nice. I am actually tank raising some black sun coral now. Hope you like mine.


Originally Posted by mscarpena
Heres a pic of my sun corals your are nice. I am actually tank raising some black sun coral now. Hope you like mine.
Absolutely gorgeous!

reef diver

Active Member
HEy heres a question, what is "fully fed" do they require a lot per polyp, do they spread like other corals?


Mine are complete pigs. One full piece of krill would suffice, or several mouthfulls of cyclo-peeze, or at least five pieces of mysis/plankton. I usually just feed each polyp a mixture of all of that a couple time per feeding.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
HEy heres a question, what is "fully fed" do they require a lot per polyp, do they spread like other corals?
I read an article by eric Borneman on another site saying that in his experience, EACH polyp doesnt need to be fed. As long as the entire piece gets enough food, the coral will thrive. IME, this is true. My piece has way to many heads to individually feed and ive never even tried to. I just douse the whole coral in food and let it each as much as they want. I give mine alot of food and dont worry about the extra. My fish, shrimp, hermits, snails and even the starfish eat any leftovers after i take the cup off.
New heads will pop up on the sun but it will not spread i dont think. I'm pretty sure that they only spread by spawning


I had a haed appear on top of a rock about 3 inches away from the main colony? Maybe like shrooms, they just drift?


HEAD, anyway its been about a month since I noticed it & now when its ready for food its about 1/4 inch across.


Active Member
I have a bunch of tiny little sun polyps growing from the bottom of mine so I am not sure how they spread but I would be interested in knowing how if anyone else knows.


I'm pretty sure that they only spread by spawning. New heads will grow on a piece but i dont think they will "spread" to other nearby rocks like zoos, xenia, etc. I'm not positive but ive never seen it happen on mines or any of my friends tanks.
I havent seen oceana around here in a while but he knew alot about sun's and had some really nice pics of his. Hopefully, he or some other expert will chime in with a definite answer.
By the way, Jerthunter, ive been waiting to find a nice black one but cant find 1. Did you order yours or get it at a LFS? Also, do you do anything different for the black or is it the exact same care?


Active Member
I've had a dendro for awhile now and I can't get it to grow. I think my shrimps are the problem. I do the cup method but the shrimps (esp the skunks) try to figure out ways to get inside the cup. Anyway I was leaving the cup on for a few hours and when I took it off you could still see the shrimp take food out of the "bodies". I now leave the cup on for about 24 hours. I love my shrimp but man can they cause problems!
BTW, nice pics!


Not to hijack but mrdc, see if you can get in touch with Viper930. He is the MAN with Dendros. Check out some of his pics. He has some REALLY nice ones.