I love them, I have not used them yet. I'm of the opinion that these are great for local trading and sales only. has been gracious enough to allow everyone on these boards to have access to these and for that I thank them! If you send your money to someone you don't know and get taken, boo hoo. this isn't the big auction site. If you complain about the fact that you sent money to someone you don't know and got taken will most likely take this forum away. Use your heads. Go for local where you can exchange $ for goods in person. If you want to take the chance of sending your money that's up to you, but I don't remember seeing a forum heading of "people who complain about getting taken" so don't complain about your own stupidity. I'd like nothing more than to see this board thrive, I wondered why they didn't have one when I joined. Now I see why. All I'm really saying is to use your heads, act responsibly and know that you're taking a risk if you send $$. Look for the local ads!