My Tang - Then and now - New pics



Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-does-it-look-any-better-to-you#post_3338589
I wouldn't if you're unsure if it's wild caught or farm raised. The farm raised fish get extra "crap" for lack of a better term added to their food for such things as enhancing the color of the meat. I just wouldn't want to give a sick fish anything like that. I wouldn't stress too much over the salmon, you picked up a lot of other good foods. Make sure you're offering a lot of seaweed/algae, they need that most importantly. If you happen to be in the grocery store and see fresh wild salmon, pick it up, but it's not necessary.
Ok, thanks for the info...



It's still really pale, but is eating very well and he's very active. It's hard to see a difference in the pics but I think I see some color coming back but it is happening VERY slowly


Originally Posted by hrheyne http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-does-it-look-any-better-to-you/20#post_3338819
It's still really pale, but is eating very well and he's very active. I think I see some color coming back but it is happening VERY slowly
Keep us updated on this.....I would love to see how this goes....I really think if you keep up what you are doing he will make a full recovery.....Just will take time, BUT I AM SO glad you are seeing good results


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-does-it-look-any-better-to-you/20#post_3338821
Originally Posted by hrheyne
It's still really pale, but is eating very well and he's very active. I think I see some color coming back but it is happening VERY slowly
Keep us updated on this.....I would love to see how this goes....I really think if you keep up what you are doing he will make a full recovery.....Just will take time, BUT I AM SO glad you are seeing good results
Have you been able to find PE Mysis anywhere, it's a specific brand and I personally have noticed it enhances color.


Originally Posted by hrheyne http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-does-it-look-any-better-to-you/20#post_3338863
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Have you been able to find PE Mysis anywhere, it's a specific brand and I personally have noticed it enhances color.
I found Mysis Shrimp but not sure what brand it is??
PE Mysis shrimp is larger, than regular mysis. Regular mysis is fine, but PE for whatever reason is much better. Again, not the end of the world, but if you find it, try it.


Is your salinity still the same? (low that is).
It's my opinion, but if you try to raise it (to what a normal reef tank should be), it might be stressful for him. If he's been used to 1.017, then I would leave it at that until he's more healthy.


I did a water change and did raise it slightly. it's at 1.018 now do you think thats ok?
Originally Posted by mkroher http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-new-pics/20#post_3339462
Is your salinity still the same? (low that is).
It's my opinion, but if you try to raise it (to what a normal reef tank should be), it might be stressful for him. If he's been used to 1.017, then I would leave it at that until he's more healthy.


yeah that's cool. How long has he been at that salinity? Did you get rid of the sharks yet? If you do want to raise the salinity, just remember to do it very slowly.
Originally Posted by hrheyne http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-new-pics/20#post_3339773
I did a water change and did raise it slightly. it's at 1.018 now do you think thats ok?
Originally Posted by mkroher
Is your salinity still the same? (low that is).
It's my opinion, but if you try to raise it (to what a normal reef tank should be), it might be stressful for him. If he's been used to 1.017, then I would leave it at that until he's more healthy.


The sharks were out of that tank 2 days after I brought it home.
It's been at 1.018 for about a week.
He has a good hiding spot behind that huge dead brain coral.


My yellow was completley white like that when i first put him in QT ( didn't know back then but QT was way too small even for a small yellow like mine. He would get more yellow the longer the lights were on and the longer i stayed away from the QT tank.
I'd shut the lights off at night and he would be stark white again in the morning.
My LFS suggested that i get a night light for him because he was in a small new environment and couldnt see anything at night.
Sure enough I got the nigth light and he started to color up pretty good within a couple days.
something in your tank is freaking yours out, you need to find out what it is and remove the problem.


I got this tank when I traded for the set up on Craigslist. The tang came with it in this condition. it had been in the tank for a couple years but the original owner lost interest and didn't have the $ to care for the tank anymore. It was a MESS when I got it.
I did a number of water changes, rinsed the rocks, got rid of the bioballs (over several weeks) removed some of the occupants of the tank that would be a problem for him 2 damsels and 2 "catfish" so I have no idea what could be freaking him out.
I'm thinking it was just lack of a good diet and water quality when it was in the care of it's last owners. I'm hoping with the better water quility and the better diet, he'll come around in time.
There are a lot of hiding places in the tank and he has a favorite.
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/382393/my-tang-then-and-now-new-pics/20#post_3340433
My yellow was completley white like that when i first put him in QT ( didn't know back then but QT was way too small even for a small yellow like mine. He would get more yellow the longer the lights were on and the longer i stayed away from the QT tank.
I'd shut the lights off at night and he would be stark white again in the morning.
My LFS suggested that i get a night light for him because he was in a small new environment and couldnt see anything at night.
Sure enough I got the nigth light and he started to color up pretty good within a couple days.
something in your tank is freaking yours out, you need to find out what it is and remove the problem.


Didn't you say that the salinty is still in brackish condition? Maybe thats the problem.


I don't know at what point reduced salinty starts causing liver/kidney problems but i think its like 8-12 weeks. maybe this is why its missing color. just like when our liver shuts down we turn yellow, when his liver shuts down he turns white?