MY TANK DIARY...56k beware lots of pictures

28g bow front
2 false percula clown
1 ?? dottyback
1 firefish
2 emerald crab
2 skunk shrimp
8 bumble bee snails 2 died
6 turbos (i want to get 4 +)
6 hermit crabs (i want to get 6 +)
im open to suggestions... i wont learn anything else unless you tell me im doing it wrong

4 frags i bought for $60 what a deal i think atlreast from what ive compared on here. some are already splitting andgrowing new heads.

what kind of xenia is that?? :help: when i first got this rock i only had 3 heads now i have like 8

finally my full tank shot


Active Member
how old is the tank? you may want to clean the sand silt off the glass. I found out the hard way and it became a nice breeding ground for diatomes and eventually hair algae. other than that it looks like you have a pretty good start :)


how long did you cycle that tank before you added critters???
it looks brand new,, also you could use more lr,
i have about 25 lbs of lr and 20 lbs of ls....i do need more i want to fill the backside just not to sure if its safe to add lr and move them after my tank is up...i see a bunch of copepods by my sand and glass...
Originally Posted by dmcrete
how long did you cycle that tank before you added critters???
it looks brand new,, also you could use more lr,

i bought everything cured and i let my tank settle for 3weeks and kinda got excited...i didnt add everything at once


Active Member
I think your tank really looks good...great job!!
The xenia you have looks like the xenia I have, pulsing xenia...and yes, it will spread like crazy given the right conditions. As far as coraline, you can improve conditions for that simply by using the right salt for your system. What kind are you using now? A salt with higher calicium is preferrable for the formation of coraline, along with regular water changes.
Keep up the good work. Oh, and your little angel is beautiful!!
Lisa :happyfish
thanks. i buy my water from the lfs because its easier and less time consuming. i do about 5g a month and use di water to top it off.


Well-Known Member
You can add lr to your tank so long as you buy it locally and take it right home to the tank. That way there is no die off. If you get it online, then cure it in a rubbermaid tub, and then add it. IMHO the best additive to encourage coraline growth is time - applied liberally.
wow!!!! wth happened i went downstairs and got some water and b4 i went back to the bedroom i checked my tank lta was missing and i took a closer look its so tiny its smalled than a quarter and i think its inside out. its like totally deflated. also i noticed some hitch hikers the kinda look like rollypollys what is it what do i do??