My Tank


not much but it's mine......
All I could afford on a cops salary.
Here's a couple more, any comment are welcome.......



Active Member
Your right its a nice start. I know the hobbies not cheap. Love the clowns.
So just some suggestions to work on when time and money will alow.
More live rock.
Overflow to sump/fuge.
Paint background cause the paper is crap.
If thats a devil then might want to get rid of it. They get mean.


It's gonna be hard to paint with fish already in it, but I agree.
And I really want more live rock but $$$$!


Yeah I know paint the outside :hilarious
Yes that is a Damsel, he's not as aggresive as the Clown


You may want to look into making your own rock. Do a search under Oceana's threads. She put out some instructions a while back on making her rock out of concrete, and her tank looks great. At least I hope Oceana's a she or I really offended them. Anyway it doesn't take too long to have life start growing on dead rock. Good luck and it looks like a great start.


Originally Posted by inkman2004
You may want to look into making your own rock. Do a search under Oceana's threads. She put out some instructions a while back on making her rock out of concrete, and her tank looks great. At least I hope Oceana's a she or I really offended them. Anyway it doesn't take too long to have life start growing on dead rock. Good luck and it looks like a great start.
Can somebody help learn how to make my own live rock, I'm working on a limited budget
this would be a really big help!!! thanks :help:


Go to the GARF website where you can learn how to make agarocrete rock. There is a full set of instrutions there on how to make it and what to buy to make it.


Not at all, every once and a while he will get his antanna into it but he just backs up and cleans it off, it is really funny to watch.


IMO you should just buy dead rock its really cheap $1.10 a lbs where i live....
Nice tank for a starter just another question and some suggestions.....
Question: What does your cleaning crew consist of?
Is that an eel in bottom right hand corner of pic 3?
Suggestion: Get 2 or 3 coral to brighten up the tank and start the spread of coralliene.


Dosent live rock help filtration?
Cleaning crew is 6 hermits and a porcilin crab, oh and a brittle star,
and no that is not an eel, it is a "eel" goby or engineer goby VERY peaceful....
I don't have the lighting for corals just yet, I have to do this very slowly (money)...
unless there are some low light corals....???
Thanks for the comments and suggestions keep them coming! :thinking:


Active Member
Zoos, mushrooms, leathers .... they do well in low lighting. Take it slow and it'll all come together .... you're off to a good start.
