My wife rocks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
I know some people in my unit think I'm crazy for setting up this tank. Because of deployment schedule I will more than likely be here for 6 years. That is a long time to go without my fish, besides I stored 2 of my other tanks before I came here. Anyway, I figure that because we have everything shipped here how bad could it be to ship all my live stock back to the states. I'm planning on selling my corals before I leave and shipping my fish. Were going to buy a house in the states a couple of months before we PCS. Then My wife and kids will leave early, she'll set up the other tanks and cycle them. Then I'll ship her the fish, Air Cargo. My live rock and tanks will be shipped by the Army. It will take about a month to get. I had the movers make a special crate for my 55g. Also I have supplemental insurance, so if they break, I get replacement value.
Oh okay. That isn't so bad.....I remember my moves and it took about that when my wife asked, I started wondering myself. That's great that you have it all figured out. Well hopefully you'll have enough time between deployments to enjoy Europe....I know we sure did. Make sure you hit Octoberfest in Munchen......we did that one year and another in Nurnburg when her folks were in Ansbach.
Take care...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
I'm planning on buying a couple of boxes full before I leave and ship it back to the states.
That would be importing...You never know who is watching..


Originally Posted by watson3
That would be importing...You never know who is watching..
It's for personal use and it is part of my house hold goods.


Originally Posted by maelv
Oh okay. That isn't so bad.....I remember my moves and it took about that when my wife asked, I started wondering myself. That's great that you have it all figured out. Well hopefully you'll have enough time between deployments to enjoy Europe....I know we sure did. Make sure you hit Octoberfest in Munchen......we did that one year and another in Nurnburg when her folks were in Ansbach.
Take care...

I love nurnburg, were there every weekend. I'm going to try to get to Munchen for the fest. My cousin lives there so we have a place to stay.
I just found out I might get to skip our next deployment. My unit is talking about making me the rear commander.


so awesome that your wife is cool like that. mine is letting me set up an octo tank with our tax money. it's only gonna be a 30g though, but i still can't wait. aren't these women the best?
btw, your 55 looks excellent. keep up the good work. aren't you glad you made the switch to sw?


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
so awesome that your wife is cool like that. mine is letting me set up an octo tank with our tax money. it's only gonna be a 30g though, but i still can't wait. aren't these women the best?
btw, your 55 looks excellent. keep up the good work. aren't you glad you made the switch to sw?
Thank you, and I'm VERY glad I switched to sw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
It's for personal use and it is part of my house hold goods.

First off, was semi joking..Secondly, they will not ship live goods, and thats in reality what it is..NOt starting an argument, but when it comes time, you will have better judgement..


Active Member
good luck with that longnose BF - they are not supposed to be reef-safe.
hopefully that tank is set up soon so you can move the tang over , lookin great thus far.


Originally Posted by watson3
First off, was semi joking..Secondly, they will not ship live goods, and thats in reality what it is..NOt starting an argument, but when it comes time, you will have better judgement..

I shipped my live rock here to Germany from Alabama. I wrapped it in newspaper and bagged it and sent it in my house hold goods, with no problem. I'm going to pay to ship my fish air cargo, if its economically possible.
If it's too expensive I'll sell them to my LFS. I'm sure I'll have to pay an import tax also. No offense taken.

30-xtra high

Active Member
you should buy a **** load of bare rock, then come back to the states and sell it for 2-4$ a pound. it'd be a good way to fund your hobby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
I love nurnburg, were there every weekend. I'm going to try to get to Munchen for the fest. My cousin lives there so we have a place to stay.
I just found out I might get to skip our next deployment. My unit is talking about making me the rear commander.

Hey congratulations bgrae001....that is some really good news. And last but not need to take a week off after your promotion and new tank and take her to Neuschwanstein (the castle Disney based his Cinderella castle after) and Schwarzwald (the black forest) a thank you and nice romantic weekend. Least you can do for a wife that "ROCKS"....
My wife and I will be jealous wishing we were there to do it all over again..LOL...


Originally Posted by maelv
Hey congratulations bgrae001....that is some really good news. And last but not need to take a week off after your promotion and new tank and take her to Neuschwanstein (the castle Disney based his Cinderella castle after) and Schwarzwald (the black forest) a thank you and nice romantic weekend. Least you can do for a wife that "ROCKS"....
My wife and I will be jealous wishing we were there to do it all over again..LOL...

It's funny you mentioned that. My daughter is comming over in Mar for a visit. We have reservations already to go there. I'll have to post some pictures when we get back.


Originally Posted by extremepcs
OK, now you're just being CRUEL

Where are you at in MI? I grew up in Sterling Heights, north of Motown.


Originally Posted by bgrae001
Where are you at in MI? I grew up in Sterling Heights, north of Motown.
Flushing. It's near Flint. I grew up in Pontiac though, not too far away from Sterling Heights.


My Powder blue tang got ich real bad and died this morning.
I had to completely rearrange my DT to catch all the fish. There all in QT now. I'm going to wait 6 weeks before I put them back. I want to make sure that all the ich is out of my system. All I can say is that I found some neat stuff growing in my tank. I even found some Zoo's I didn't even know I had.
I'm still looking for my new tank. I can't decide if I what one to get. It's between a 120 or a 225 gal. I found one with a stand and top for $1200.00 or the smaller one for $700.00.
I can get the tank only for about $250.00, But the materials aren't available here like they are in the states to build the stand. The thickest plywood I can get is 1/2" I prefer to use 3/4 Oak ply. The premade stands are weird too. There is no room underneath for a fuge.


Originally Posted by extremepcs
Flushing. It's near Flint. I grew up in Pontiac though, not too far away from Sterling Heights.
My Mom lives in Auburn hills


I have been so excited to buy the larger tank. Unfortunately the military feels they overpaid me on my last move and are requiring me to pay back $2800.00 and they did overpay my housing allowance by $1200.00. So, now it looks like I'm going to have to wait till I get back from Iraq next year to buy my larger tank.
This sucks, but I guess that is how thing go sometimes!