My Zoanthid Collection


Active Member
Here's just part part of my zoanthid collection that I've been growing out , I'm working on gathering all of my pics together and hoping to get common names and origins for all to add to a gallery.



Active Member
Believe it or not, there's still more to come, I just haven't finished uploading all of the pics yet .


Active Member
Originally Posted by lmlwsp
those are great! do you have a full tank shot?
there are tons of pics of oru tank just to a search on this forum.
here is a recent pic. its not quite a full tank shot but its only missing about two feet so it gets the points across


Thos pictures are just beautiful!!
What typs of lighting and how many watts per gallong.
I am only in my 8th month of this and I am starting to see a couple small Zoos coming out of the LR. and I so would love to have colors like you have!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishermin
Thos pictures are just beautiful!!
What typs of lighting and how many watts per gallong.
I am only in my 8th month of this and I am starting to see a couple small Zoos coming out of the LR. and I so would love to have colors like you have!
thank you
I run 3x400 MH radiums and 2x110 VHO on a 140 gallon


This may seem like a very simple question, but..Why, when most corals (especially zoos) can sting, are zoos able to be kept in a cluster so closely packed? Are zoos immune to just their own sting, or to all zoo stings?


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
This may seem like a very simple question, but..Why, when most corals (especially zoos) can sting, are zoos able to be kept in a cluster so closely packed? Are zoos immune to just their own sting, or to all zoo stings?
same corals or like corals can go together. IE hammer and fragspawn ok together.


Originally Posted by oceana
thank you
I run 3x400 MH radiums and 2x110 VHO on a 140 gallon

Thats a lot.
I thought 5watts per gallon(123 gallon) would be great.
Do you have fish in yours.
Another question when you run the lights,how much do they heat the water?
Not sure if I will need to invest in a chiller .


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishermin
Thats a lot.
I thought 5watts per gallon(123 gallon) would be great.
Do you have fish in yours.
Another question when you run the lights,how much do they heat the water?
Not sure if I will need to invest in a chiller .
keep in mind you do not NEED that much light. i got a good deal so i bought it.
i could have goten away with 250's with no problem, but with that said i feel that the growth in our tank is nothing sort of stellar.
I run a 1/3HP aqua Logic chiller. they are a bit pricey at around 1000.00 bucks but IMO they are one of the best chillers available.
with out my chiller on a hot day (i'm in FL) the tank would go up to around 89 on come days. I did not want to shorten my light cycle so I went with the chiller.
Yes we have a few fish. i feel that in a reef tank the fish load should be kept very light.