Name or Not to Name That is the ?


Active Member
Do you name your fish??? What kind of fish is it and its name??? I've named half the fish I have (the older ones). Now I just call them by the type of fish they are, until yesterday when my three year old daughter asked me what the fish's name was that we had just bought. I said "I don't know" she asked if their names could be Mike and Sully (we recently saw monsters I chuckled and said sure. So it looks as though I am on the naming program again.
Clarkii-Spoc,Volitan - Lambert (as in the sheepish lion),Flame Angel-Flamer, Snow Flake Eel - Damion,Coral Banded - Red,Velvet Damsel- Oprah, Yellow Tail Damsel - Mike, Domino Damsel- Sully...No these arent all in one tank...they are spread out in 5 tanks.


Active Member
Originally posted by nolofinwe:
<strong>one of the most important things i ever learned from my grandfather was this; its a mean, terrible thing to name a dog something you wouldnt name a person. i carry that over to fish. i think its revolting when i meet a dog named spike, and equally so when i see a fish names finny. yech. no offense to anyone.</strong><hr></blockquote>
No offense taken, but i couldn't disagree more. I couldn't name a dog Johnathon, Nathan, Jennifer, Marsha, Robert, William, etc., etc.
I think the name shows your creativity and gives your pet some personality. Not saying that those names don't have personality.
c'mon peeps...youre readin, why not post the names.
My first GSM I named Big because it was so larger in comparison to everything esle. But lated when I got a pair of GSM I named the larger clown Jaws and her smaller mate BJ (Baby Jaws). I call our cucumbers Those ugly SOB's. The Blennies are called One, Two, and Three. One the large male and Three the Smaller female. ::shrugs::

kris walker

Active Member
If you are new to the hobby, I would not name anything in your tank. Once you name something, you've personified it, and made a significant attachment to it. Odds are the critter will die within 6 months (unless you are lucky, unlike me), and you feel horrible. The pain is significantly less if you don't name your critters.
Of course, once you get much better at the hobby, then this is no longer a concern cause your fish will stay healthy. So hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be namin my fish in say 20 years from now! ;)


I have a few of my fish named. Names our Neon Goby "Pipi" (for pipsqueak), Purple Firefish "Flash" because he can flash into his live rock like fast and our Cherub Angel "Cheeks". Now I just hope they don't die. I hope I didn't jinx them! ;)


umm although i dont make a habit ou of naming them.....there are a few that earn the right to have a name, although most are clown is dipsh*t cause he will snuggle up in the bubble coral and both flowerpot corals and wont go near the anenome.....a damsel is sarge cause he is a prick to everything else....the sally lightfoot is named dog meat....marked for death since it ate my maxima clam the fist night i had it......just havent gotten around to it yet ;) ;)


I can't just randomly name them - I have to be inspired by something.
Coral banded shrimp - Lefty, because of a disfiguring molt- he has since recovered
Yellow Tang - Charlie Brown, his fins were chewed up by a domino damsel who has since found a new home, but poor Charlie's fin never grew back :(
Tomato Clown - Am I a clown to you?
Valentini puffer - Puffy boy
Hippo Tang - Icky boy, after having him for 2 years, he developed ich when I moved him into my new tank. He is fine now, mostly due to . . .
White sox, my fire shrimp. might have change that name tho, it just doesn't do it for me.
The names help when my husband calls me to tell me the funny things my fish are up to - he has no clue of what their common names are.


New Member
Saltwater fish:
Yellow tang - Milo
Hippo Tang - Junior
2 false percs - Bertha and Squirt
Cleaner shrimp - Radar
Yellow watchman goby - Nuprin ("Little, yellow, different")
Freshwater (I've only named a few):
6 inch sailfin pleco - Spot (sadly, he died of old age yesterday)
3 inch sailfin pleco - Jagular (from Winnie the Pooh)
Silver lionhead goldfish - Goobie
Red lionhead goldfish - Adolf (he's all orange except for a teeny black moustache, and he's a pain in the rear)
Black Moor goldfish - Sherman

sinner's girl

we used to come up with good names, domino, fib, oreo, pinkie, the groupies.
my fw fish were one fish, and two fish. i think sinner may have had blue fish
now we have Angel and little bit. (little bit, b/c the clown was small when we got her).
some times inverts get names if they stand out.


Kris--6 months is the longest you've kept a fish????? That's too bad, I have had much better luck with all mine (unless of course I had to move them, then they all croaked).
Anyway I will not give a fish a name until I have had them at least 2 months, but I figure once acclimated and well adjusted, he'll be here quite awile so I do name them.
Queen angel -Pretty Girl
Picasso Trigger-Lucky
Coral Grouper-Jaws
Purple Tang-Goofy
Jewel damsel-dotty
Perculas-louie, dewey (hughy died after 4 months)
Fairy wrasse-rainbow
Before you guys have a cow--these are not all in the same tank. And all but the fairy have been with us for about a year and a half


I named my first bunch of fish, but don't name them anymore. It's too difficult, coming up with names all of the time, when you've got three tanks going and 30+ fish. O_O


lionfish- Pinhead
yellow tang- Sunny Delight
percula clown- Krusty
firefish- Zip
cucumber (large one)- Winnie the Pooh (because he looks like one! ;) )
green brittlestar- Stumpy
diamond goby- Neil
mated pair of marble angels- Ricky and Lucy


Our lawnmower Blenny--- Nessie.
Our Sally litefoot crab- Spaz.
Our Emerald crabs. Rocky 3,4 adn 5. (our first one was HUGE (3 inches wide)so we named him Rocke-- name the others as a joke...)
Our Royal Gramma.... (hold on to your butts.. this was a tough one) Gramma. (ok- we ran out of names. so there.)


Active Member
fishymissy: diamond goby - neil
That freakin rocks...does it sing???
seasquirt: yellow goby - nuprin
Very clever!!!


I haven't caught it singing yet, but it does have a collection of women's underwear. Not sure where it's getting them from though...... ;)
I used to have a freshwater fire eel (sold him a couple of months ago) that was named Eely Dan. :rolleyes:


2 dominos-
Cruella de vil
black satin
(both dominos are going to be taken back to the LFS)
crecent(its a blue tailed one)
hermit crabs-
blue leggens


Active Member
Originally posted by fishymissy:
<strong>I haven't caught it singing yet, but it does have a collection of women's underwear. Not sure where it's getting them from though...... ;)
I used to have a freshwater fire eel (sold him a couple of months ago) that was named Eely Dan. :rolleyes: </strong><hr></blockquote>
LMAO!!!Very niiiiiiice!!! :D