Nano Angels?


Active Member
I've heard of people keeping these in nano tanks, and I was wondering about peoples expearence with them. I am aware that angels can be coral nippers, though I have also heard that some people have luck with them leaving them alone. It all depends on the personality of the fish. Anyways, I have a 29 gal rec.
What I have:

2 false perc clowns
What I want:

Green Clown Goby
Midas Blenny
I would much rather have a pretty angel than the Midas on the wanted list, plus I can't find them at any of my LFSs but I see dwarf angels all the time. I'm leaning twords the Bicolor, Coral Beauty, and the Flame. I'd really like the Flame out of all three. Any input, oh wonderful SWF peeps?


Active Member
Well, I dont have a nano. but I had a pygmy angel and he nipped at everything...I have heard that flames do too...


Flames need at least a 55gal tank according to SWF, sooo you might want to check your tank requirements for each fish you have your eye on. This makes for a happy healthy fish
. Good luck with your selection!


Active Member
for a 29 gallon i would recommend the smallest angels...which include the pygmy and flameback. both are 3" fully grown and are known as the least common coral nippers. you should give one of those a try. IMO the flameback is alot prettier if you are willing to spend a little more to get one. either way...IMO your odds of having a happy and healthy angel are increased if you chose one of these...and your corals will probably be happier too


Active Member
My wife has a 29 gallon tank (30" long) and currently has a half black angel that has been in there for well over a year and a half...she doesn't have corals, so that doesn't help you with that question, but in terms of keeping them in that size tank, they will do just fine.


We had a 40G with a lot of rock work and were very successful with a Coral Beauty. We also lucked out and got a gorgeous very well tempered one, it would occasionally nip at our daisy polyps, but they're out of control anyways so I never really minded. I do not recommend a Flame Angel, everyone I personally know that has one has had trouble with keeping them and nipping at corals. I think part of the key to keeping them off the corals is to always have a seaweed clip with food available for them, that's how we worked it.
It's really luck of the draw with the smaller angels, I'd go with the one you like the looks of the most and get the best information on, but there's definitely a couple you could put in a bigger Nano like yours, I wouldn't add much more fish after that though.
Just a side note, my angel fish are pooping machines, how's your CUC?


Active Member
Anyone of you guys that have a million and a half tanks have expearence with the dwarf angels, as well as the Midas blenny? I'd like to see what people prefer, cause I friggin love them both. I'm so torn!


why not both? we had a blenny and coral beauty in our 40g along with a mandarin, dragon goby and 2 clowns.


Active Member
Bicolors, Coral Beauties, and flames all get too large/active for a 29gal. As pointed out by gio, your best options are either the pygmy (Centropyge Argi) or the Flameback Angel, either Brazilian (Centropyge aurantonotu has a blue tail) or African (Centropyge acanthops has a yellow tail).
The thing with stuffing angels into smaller tanks is that you reduce your chances of them being coral safe, and aggression towards other fish goes up greatly.
A stocklist like this would work out fairly well, and be about your max.
2 Ocellaris clowns
Midas Blenny
Flameback angel
Without a large refugium attached to your 29gal, I definitely wouldn't recommend a mandarin. They'll eat all the pods in a tank that sized in about a week, then starve.


We had no problems with our amount of fish in the 40G with aggressive fish or nitrate levels, etc. But like I said, we do have a very, very well tempered Coral Beauty. BTW, she only grew to 3"-3 1/2"
I was mistaken about the blenny you were talking about, read too fast, a midas and an angel in that size tank with the fish you already have is not a good idea. Sorry about that

NO, I would not recommend a Mandarin, just saying we did have one, but our tank had very established rock. We did not have a refuge, but did occasionally add a bottle of Tigger Pods here and there, he also is a baby if you look at our photos in the Share Your Aquarium section.
I think a lot of it depends on set up. I've seen people have success with Mandarins in 10-20G tanks, of course then you have to add live copepods, but it can be done.


Active Member
Cheurb/Pygmy same thing. Even though pygmy/cherub angelfish are small they like to room and check out new spots every day. My fish might have done that just because I had a large system. But I think any angel is way to active for that small of a tank. Just my .03


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
Anyone of you guys that have a million and a half tanks have expearence with the dwarf angels, as well as the Midas blenny? I'd like to see what people prefer, cause I friggin love them both. I'm so torn!

Midas Blenny's personality owns any angel out there imo


Active Member
Ok, then the Midas re-replaces the angel on the wanted list. I actually have two fuges (8 gallon in the sump, and a HOB fuge), both soon to be seeded even though they already have pods, and I wont be adding the mandarin for at LEAST another 6 months, if not up to a year. I was never even thinking about adding both to my tiny little 29, I know that's a terrible idea.


i have seen flame angels in 46 bowfronts. He is 2 years old, his tank mates are, yasha goby with pistol shrimp, yellow tang, 3 blue chromis, 2 b&w perculas, a mandarin ,and lots of corals. The most important thing is your water quality, since you need to provide lots of food to evade the coral nipping behavior. It can be done, you just need to be responsible with you tank, feed it everyday and check water parameters for any major changes. I will get a FT picture of this tank soon.



well, you can see him in that pic, he's over two years old. Maybe you are a noobie and doesnt know how to keep some fish. A picture is worth a thousand words. SEE
PS: show your tank, and you will show your experience!!!!


Originally Posted by PeLaGiC
well, you can see him in that pic, he's over two years old. Maybe you are a noobie and doesnt know how to keep some fish. A picture is worth a thousand words. SEE
PS: show your tank, and you will show your experience!!!!
lol im far from a noob. a tang is more of an open water fish that requires larger tanks. not that it cant live in a smaller its just not healthy for them. many of them will become very aggressive or sick or have stunted growth due to the small space they are given. General rule of thumb is no tangs under 75 gallons. There are alot of members here who feel that keeping tangs in a tank that small is exceptionally cruel and you will be berated for it. Thats what my comment was referring to. The tang police. Your comment comes off as very arrogant. I was making light of a situation that many members of this board will probably laugh at because they have stuck around here long enough to have seen a tang police moment or ten. Personally the tang needs the space and I would never do that. I also feel that your tank is borderline overstocked but its yours and you can do as you wish with it. Take my comments for what they are but you probably should not judge a user by the number of his post count. He may just surprise you.