NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


New Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Just set it up today. Got about 15lbs(so far) of live rock and 20lbs of live sand.
The equipment i got so far for my tank is a Sunpod light, heater and i plan on getting a Koralia 1 really soon.
As far as equipment goes is there anything you guys can think i should get for it?
Will post a pic as soon as it clears up..
Im so freakin excited i cant stand it

Yeah....I am excited for you>>>congrats


Active Member
only you man!
watch this! JUST FOR YOU!
Hey hey you you?

who got pods in their tanks?

nano nano!

he got pods in his tank!



Active Member
aquapod is hanging in there, i've been picky lately about my rock setup, but im close to how i like it for now and i can start placing some of the frags i got. i posted some pics on there if you want to see.
and why do you and nissan have the same avatar picture, its hard to make out who's who on this forum, haha.


Active Member
I will have to go check it out.
Anyways, i have really been into the zoas big lately and a week ago i got this Everlasting Gobstopper and since then i already got a new baby.


Active Member
it was cheap. Single polyps usually sell for $50/polyp
In a few week im getting some blue hornets and those are going to cost me $35/polyp


what's up i saw the purple hornets and they are amazing! if you get one, man i may have to fly to Michigan just to pick some up lol