NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


Active Member
im not sure, im going to have to look at all and see wherre i can cut and how many polyps in the frags.. i will get back to you about it this weekend
I just fragged the Gobstopper, it was a clean cut. Hope it makes it


I just got two nice colonies of Fire and Ice as well as Dragon Eye Zoas...I'm inspired to try some fragging for the first time. Thanks newb.


Active Member
its easy dude, just make sure to be carefull when cutting.. Use eye protection and gloves then wash had REALLY good after
if you got any questions just pm me dude
also i could go for some fire and ice zoas, im sure we can work out a trade :)


Those blue hornets look sick! How long have you had them now?
Also could you head over to my thread and help identify my zoas? Since you're the zoa guru I thought I'd ask.