Nano Reef

Out of curiosity how much would it cost to setup a nano reef aquarium ? Something in the range of around 10-20g. This is including necessary lights, good skimmer, sump. I have enough live rock to start one now including sand so that's not an issue. I own a 55g FOWLR and so far it's going OK and maint. isn't that bad. How is it compared to keeping a reef system in terms of upkeep ?


Cost of any setup, big or small, can get pricey. It just depends on what you want. I only keep softies in mine and softies do better without a skimmer, believe it or not! and all the skimmers that are made for the nano size tanks are garbage, IMO. Almost all nano tanks come with built in filteratation so there is no need for a sump. Since your dealing with a smaller mass of water you must watch is alot more closely and do water changes more often. But the water changes are only in the 3gal. range, so they only take a few minutes to do!
I actually have a 12gal. setup that I am selling which includes 12gal. JBJ nano tank, Current stand and a 70watt viper light with a few extras for $250 + shipping. The price of a new setup with this lighting would run $300+dollars not including shipping.


I just set up a 14g biocube in my office. For the tank (with lights, etc.) stand, and skimmer, it was about $350. But, everyone who comes in my office loves it...


well the answer you are looking for is anywhere from 600-to 1200 depending on youe tanks of choice.
This includes sand rock and some live stock.
I have to disagree with it being over 400 dollars. i have a 10 gallon nano that i set up for around 300. if you invest 45 in a reef octopus nano skimmer, pay 40 for 2 powerheads, pay around 100 for all lighting, 20 for a heater, and im not sure if you have live sand however that would only cost 20, you are at about 225 dollars. Then you have 75 dollars for water supplements and livestock such as corals and small fish like the ocellaris clown or royal gramma.


Well-Known Member
With coral…lights are get the very best you can afford.

I am right now setting up a 30g

  • I got two 30g tanks for $40.00

  • A T5 two bulb 10K light for $130.00 including shipping

  • Dry sand $30.00

  • Dead Rock $100.00

  • I got a friend to make a return for me...$30.00

  • A return pump $120.00 Includes shipping

  • CPR Overflow box $115.00

  • Glass cut to make baffles on the bottom tank for a sump..$40.00
    Silicone to glue the baffles ..$15.00
    Hoses $25.00
    Clamps, valves and PVC $18.00
    Heater $20.00
    Copepods and amphipods to seed the tank, because I used dead sand and rock = $20.00
    Refugium mud to add substance to the sand...$12.00
    Bucket of salt $55.00
This list does not include critters or corals also no skimmer yet....Comes up to $770.00 and I went the cheap route. The equipment for a 10g is actually near the same as the 30g. The price of the sump is the cheaper filter system. The used tank for $20.00, the baffles, hoses and clamps are cheap compared to a wet/dry for $225.00 Oh and my system did not need power heads that run $30.00 a pop. I used PVC and made spray bars vertically in the tank.
If you figure $1000.00 it will cover costs, hidden and unexpected. I still need a skimmer which runs around $300.00. Find what you can used and don’t skimp on lights if you want coral. This hobby is wonderful but expensive. Build slow get a little here and a little there, that's what I did.

A reef tanks Upkeep isn’t bad, you keep salt, RO water (your own unit is best) and some additives like liquid coral food, calcium and Reef buffer. Corals prices run around $60.00 to $120.00 average. The cheapest SWF is $18.00 stay away from damsels, they grow up to bite your hand and kill your other fish. They are beautiful and cheap…most beginners get them then regret it.

With coral…lights are get the very best you can afford.


LOL...yeah.....I'm not even gonna look for my receipts on the 29G I set up.....
CHEAP and SW.....DO NOT go together


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/311883/nano-reef#post_3355487
LOL...yeah.....I'm not even gonna look for my receipts on the 29G I set up.....
CHEAP and SW.....DO NOT go together
I agree...If however you find someone who is giving can buy the whole system cheap. Few and far between but it does happen.