Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
sorry guys i guess i cant do the contest if no one post anything
whats wrong with the people. its always only me, rebel, clown, etc posting and you to subie, spanko, happity, and silver lol


Active Member
What contest are yah doing? Oh wait you are probably on the way to my house.....
! I will just ask you here.


Active Member
o ya and my clowns are way to fast to catch with a self adjusting P&S camera. Need my buddy to get it SLR to get some good ones
too bad i have no fish to take picture of. :( or i would of already won the contest :)
two more weeks till i can get my picasso!!!!! i cant wait


Active Member
congrats man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!! and dont worry i think ima end the contest. and do it again ltr


New Member
Hey members, I'm a new member thats been lurking for a few weeks reading up. I just got my first tank, a 29 gallon Oceanic Bio-Cube. I'd post a shot, but it only has about 15 lbs of live rock and live sand in it at the moment. I am just beginning the cycling process and will be adding in my first few chromis to start the cycling process next week. I hope everything goes well with this being my first salt water tank.


Active Member
well goodluck! and if you run in to any problems we are here to help you. cant wait for pics! well make sure if you add the chromis you would also like to keep them. in my opinion i think you should get 1 chromis.


Active Member
What is this anyways ? I just thought it was pics of your tanks so i never looked. HAHAHAHA. I thin i will win :) WOOT WOOT. 10 BUCKS FOR ME


Active Member
Originally Posted by 89-LX
Hey members, I'm a new member thats been lurking for a few weeks reading up. I just got my first tank, a 29 gallon Oceanic Bio-Cube. I'd post a shot, but it only has about 15 lbs of live rock and live sand in it at the moment. I am just beginning the cycling process and will be adding in my first few chromis to start the cycling process next week. I hope everything goes well with this being my first salt water tank.
Hey 89-LX
to SWF! IMO you are better off not getting the Chromis to start your cycle, and the fish are better off too. Don't want them living in a soup of ammonia and nitrites while the cycle is going on. You are better served to get some more live rock in there. You are going to want about 1.5 lbs per gallon to have enough surface area in the tank to house nitrifying bacteria and the rockwork is the place for this. Live rock will help your tank to cycle on its own.