Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
Well reb if you ever would READ My jbj nano thread then you would have known i had it :( But no you dont so you dont know what your missing.LOL. That thing has been dead though for long time. HAHAHA. I never even remeoved the shell out. I think it got covered in sand now. But it didnt last long and i wouldnt recommend one. But TOTALLY AWESOME AND PRETTY CREATURE :) Shouldnt be in aquarium trade though bcz to difficult to keep alive i think. And i spot fed it phyto everyday


Active Member
its cool man. you can still be my manager. and i understand why you leaving or getting off for a bit. its all rotary faughts. just ignore it man. i hope the mods take him out and cancel his account.
well take care. hope to hear from you soon


Active Member
Very nice Emilaya101. Did this tank move from somewhere else? I only ask because the nice thick coralline on the back wall is bleached out. This usually happens when it is exposed to light and air for a period of time.