Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
yeah and they cahnge there color depending on their environment and mood. sometimes itll be real light colored and then dark like in the pics!


yeah i know. im just FLAT broke! ive got like, 20 bucks to last me til my next paycheck because i finally impulse-bought this nano. once i get paid, i can say hello live rock!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTT
yeah i know. im just FLAT broke! ive got like, 20 bucks to last me til my next paycheck because i finally impulse-bought this nano. once i get paid, i can say hello live rock!
sounds like a typically hobbyist...


Active Member
Originally Posted by majormaz
Your tank is 2 days old and you have fish in already?!

ya that's what I was thinking.. lots of people and LFS tell people to cycle it with a cheap fish.. even tho it causes tons of pain to the fish....


Active Member
C'mon guys, don't let this become a bashing thread for JTT... as far as I knew, this was a place to show off your nano's, which he did. This guy has a new tank, his first one, and was probably told by the LFS to get a damsel. If you have a problem with it, PM him or something, but don't throw him under the bus publicly, and don't put a bad taste in his mouth about this hobby. Be informative instead of condemning.
JTT, some people think it's inhumane to cycle tanks with a damsel, some have no problem with it. I know of a HUGE corporation, who shall remain nameless, but they are a PET-COmpany
who even recommend you cycle tanks with damsels in the info part of their website!!!
The general understanding is that damsels gills get "burned" by the levels of ammonia that rise in the tank... and, of course, causes stress due to an un-ideal environment. This one of countless topics where people range from being hell-bent against it, to not caring at all about it.
Welcome to the boards.
P.S. the reason I can't say the name of the company, and the reason I can't post external links to their sites, is because it breaks forum rules - No links to competitors sites. Just an FYI for you, don't do that or you could get into a little trouble by the moderators.


hey! i work for that company your talking about and i never recommend people adding damsels to help cycle their tank, but thats just me
oh and heres my 14g biocube, i wanna be part of the reefers



Active Member
I wasn't saying it was a bad thing... its not gonna be a flame thread, just clearing up that some people say it one way and some say it another way.
So I apologize for making it seem that way