Hey all, I am not sure if I follow into this but I have a 12G that use to be a FOWLR for the last 5 years but just turned it into a small reef. There are a few changes that still have to be made though.
It is a 12G w/ about 30lbs or so of LR
Lights are a Coralife Deluxe Series- Quad ...96watt 10.000K w/ Actinic 03, I always heard to have 4-5 watts per Gallon, so I hope 96W is not over kill. What do u think?
AC 50 HOB filter (that will be made into a HOB fuge next week when cheato and pods come in) as of now just running Chemi-Pure Elite and carbon w/ floss
also a Penguin 100 w/Perigen
1 Nano Koralia, think I need 1 more so until it comes in I have an old AC 20
also need a black backing
I recieved an order from SWF a few weeks ago... did not have much instock @ the time, but placing another this week.
1 Blue Ric w/3 mouths
1 Green Ric w/2 mouths...think they should both split soon.
1 Hammer Coral frag
1 rock of Green Stripe Shrooms
and 1 Kenya Tree Coral that hubby got from LFS
1 Perc Clown ( had almost 10 years now, lost his mate last year, got them at the same time)
and the newest addition...a Scooter Blenny, which even though tank has been up and running about 5 years, I feed live pods, and she also eats frozen Mysis.
It might not look like much right now or as sweet as some here but in due time I think it will be a happy home for some corals and fish
I do my 20% WC every week right on time like clock work.
If anyone has any tips or ideas for any additions they would be welcome, I am thinking maybe some pretty colorful Zoos, not sure what else would be good
So do I count as a Nano Member?