My 28 jbj nano will be here monday, it won't be up and running for a good week, give or take a couple days.
I'm moving everything from my 46 into the nano. Right now all I have are about 24 lbs of LR, 40 lbs of LS, two orange clowns, and two green chromis (thinking of bringing the chromis to the lfs) a turbo snail, a few smaller snails, and a few dwarf hermits. .
When I do take a pic, it won't be much to look at...
I miss the buy/sell/trade that used to be on this forum, my first nano had beautiful corals because of that. And now I have none. I enjoyed being able to buy things one at a time, small frags... It made growing my tank an adventure instead of a huge expense all at once...
have no choice but to deal with it... But I'm not a happy reefer :cry:
Will post pics asap.