Nano Size...


Active Member
I have been going back and forth trying to decide on a tank size. I've been looking at the Eclipse System 6 but the Eclipse System 12 has more room for lighting.
What would be a good size for a nano considering the retro lighting available? Is it possable or workable to put MHs over a 6 or 12 gallon nano tank?


Active Member
I would look further into a standard ten gallon tank. The eclipse all-in-one deals are always hard to modify to make better.

zack schwartz

Active Member
By using a mh as stated before can be hard to put in the 7 gallon, but I have seen it before. Just a problem again could be heat:(


Watt for watt mh gives off actually less heat that pc's I believe. The heat is nothing a fan couldn't take care of. Why not do an open top tank and suspend an mh pendent over it? Thats what I do with my 18g.


Active Member
Thanks guys, I was looking at some tanks and they have some nice 20g tanks with canopies. I may look into something like that. 175w MH on a 20g would be about right. If not maybe some PCs and soft corals in a smaller tank?

zack schwartz

Active Member
yea all sounds good. All depends onb what you want and can afford. I have seen super cool nanos with shrooms and zoos and I have seen some really nice sps nanos too!:)


I think you are wrong on the MH giving off as much heat as PCs.
I think I remember from doing my research on the lighting that it goes in order from most heat to least
Correct me if you know im wrong but thats what I remember.


Active Member
I have yet to have a heat problem with my tank, all the stats are listed below. I like the VHO over my 20. Gives nice color, not too much heat.
Plus the ballast is mounted inside the canopy, fully enclosed, no fans.



Originally posted by hunterdaddy
I think you are wrong on the MH giving off as much heat as PCs.
I think I remember from doing my research on the lighting that it goes in order from most heat to least
Correct me if you know im wrong but thats what I remember.

MH's will give off more heat than PC's most of the time, but thats because they come in such high wattages. 400 watts of PC lighting would heat up a tank more than 400 watts of MH. Also the fact that MH is a point source makes them seem hotter, all the heat is coming from one spot instead of over a long tube.


Active Member
I'd have to agree with JustinX - go witha 20 and put 150Watts of VHO over the tank. No heating isseus (My ballast is mounted externally) and it is extremely bright. I am thinking of adding a squamosa.
It is so bright that several of my ricordeas I put near the top started getting sun burned and I have moved them to shaded areas ... that is after an acclimation period to the lights......
if you want to do a MH light I would do a pendant light over hte top
What is a pendant light? A light hanging from above, right? Not mounted on the hood.
I have no hood, and I have no plans on constructing one, so I guess I would get a "pendant" right? Or make my own probably? What do ya think?


Active Member
yup a pendant hangs from above - and it would work well- one fothe LFS's in the area has one that is adjustable up and down ... very sweet .....I'd see what they costto buy a unit withthe reflector and everything .... there is one guy who made a pendant out of a mailbox .....


i have 2 -24 inch vho over my 20 long also
i have 2 clams in there doing well also
i did have the idea of switching out one of my vho for a 70 watt hqi mh with a single exhaust fan



Originally posted by blueface
My 12 gallon came w/ pc's already furnished. Nice set up wish I had a cam to show it off.

What brand was it? I haven't seen a tank for sale as a combo with PC lighting.