nearing 3 months and no hitchhikers


not even a measly bristle worm i have 25 lbs of lr from swf but i havnt seen a single hitchhicker. i do have what looks like the skeleton of an old zoo colony but those pylops look like about 1mm in radius very small but thats not really a hitchhicker


Active Member
sometimes its a surprise, much later. The last round of LR for us was about 8 mos ago. One night while everyone was sleeping I was waiting to give my son some medication. I was sitting next to the tank and got a flash light. Low and behold an Asnternia star was on the glass (very small) AND a pretty big snail that high tailed it back in the rock once the light hit it.

jim tansey

New Member
I have had about 45 lb of lr from SWF, 2 mo later not a single living thing that I can find. I must have received a bad lot, I contacted them but no positive results.


Active Member
I bought my rock (25#) last christmas. Just 2 months ago I noticed bristle worms. It all started happening when i got a DSB.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I have had about the same results. after 10 months or so I am finally getting white specks and even a few coral polyps on my rocks. only added the corals bout 4 months ago. What is interesting is that I ony bought one softball sized LR from my LFS. Rest was vaious decorative rocks from LFS.


I had a hitchhiker, that my LFS called a plastic plant. It was red and got about a half dollar in size. He told me if it was damaged in anyway it would die immediately. I came back one day, and it was gone. I may still have a picture of it I can post. The spot was still alive on the rock the other day, just no big red plant.