Nebody from CT?


Active Member
I'm from Haddam. Next reef meeting is on the 28th I beleive.
If anyone is interested let me know.


Active Member
Haddam??? reef meeting??? :confused: :confused:
chad, i agree with some of u being excellent with what u just stated about *****. but then there are people like ur manager joe (the big guys)... little joey really knows his stuff.


I totally agree, our managers don't know jack. Its all about the fish room employees. Believe it or not, me and Paul trained Joe. If it wasn't for my interest in saltwater i wouldn't know anything about it. They provide no training for the fish employees about saltwater, I learned everything on my own.


Active Member
haha, because ur thrown in there to sell fish. chad, i don't remember but r u the one with blond hair or the really skinny guy with short black hair and glasses? i know paul has glasses too but i can't put a name to a face.


I just turned blonde again. People say i look kinda like a bulkier Joe, not exactly, but you know what i'm sayin. I'm about 5"11, 175lbs. Usually have brown/black spiked hair, now i have really really blonde hair.


I got to give the guys at ***** in brookfield credit, they are very honest and knowledgable. They know what they are talking about.They will even steer you away from stuff if they know its not right for you or too expensive there.
As far as Fins and things reef tank,when I first started in the hobbie I asked about lighting for a reef tank and the guys reply was " look at mine I only have a flourescent strip light ,thats all you need ". I would trust the ***** guys over him . ***** is starting to carry more of a selection now also.


I agree. One time he even mis-identified his lionfish. I was like "can i have one of those zebra dwarf lions", he was like "actually those are radiatas." I was like, "no those are dwarf lions, radiatas are much different and have white fins." He was arguing with me for like 3 minutes and he knew he was wrong. Stuff like that just makes me mad. It makes sense to steer the customer in the correct directions, besides if you tell them wrong things they will never come to your store again. Personally I get enjoyment talking to customers about their tanks. I enjoy seeing their faces light up when they come in to tell me that their tanks are doing great thanks to the information i provided them. There's nothing i enjoy more. Well.....maybe seeing my own tank do well


Active Member
I do give many of them credit... i do... once again it is big man joe (not joey) who just gets me so pissed off. oh well....


Active Member
Once again big store manager joe...
yeah, there's a reason i didn't get a job there... basically there was a disagreement with what he was telling a customer and stuff... don't feel like typing into it...


Hey Chris,
I am in Middlebury, have you been to Woodbury, there is a guy on the road to the Ski area that sells stuff out of his house, he is a contractor that mostly builds big expensive custom stuff. When you guys want to put in an order, let me know, I'm in.


Active Member
forgot about my original question.... does anybody know what's up with that fish store? The Fins and Things guy says they used to be in brooklynn and live there. they also said that they groom and are only open on certain weird hours... does anyone know what those are??? thnx...


Megadon,I drove past his place last summer. He installs ponds and high end tanks. He did not stock anything. He could order anything I wanted but so can I and I can get better prices. Just like if we pooled an order from here.;)


Have you read the "Wheel of Time" seires by Robert Jordan?
I was there last summer, he had a room full of tanks, with a huge blue carpet anemone with a big clown in it.


Active Member
zibnata... r u nooooooooooooo'ing my question???
megadon you ask me that question on every thread that we share... YES!!! lol... excellent books... really... everyone should try to read them and then u will be addicted to these books just like ur fishtanks. GASP!!! I know, but it will happen...
Brinkdrum, what is wrong with the porky at *****... i feel sooooooooo bad for it. He is sooo scrawny, he's little spikey things are all bent looking and his eyes are humango!!! I asked matt and he was like: i dunno, i see no problem with it really. then he asked one of his friends (forgot his name who works there also... beared under chin) and he comes up and is like: he looks like crap. It was kind of funny but I felt so bad for the fish. That's the size of a porky that i want to start off with tooooooooooooo!!!


I haven't personally seen the puffer you are referring to yet. Unfortunately since Joe has the room during the day and Matt has it at night during the week I have only been able to get hours in the fish room on Saturday mornings. Sucks, yeah i know. Those two I taught and now they are the ones in there. LOL. Anyways, our fish come from a very large fish farm in Florida. They send send some really nice specimens and they also send some bad ones. That puffer could have been one of the bad ones...and what do you do with something that doesn't have parasites or fungus, something that is untreatable? Sometimes we get some animals that fit into this category and best thing to do is try to nurse it back to its original health.


Megadon, wow I should have gone inside the place. It was closed when I drove by I just read his sign and his ad in the paper. I will go back this weekend and see if he is open. It would be great if they have lots of tanks.