I've been spending hours on this forum since Sunday when we bought/setup our tank. Now I am realizing we need a QT, which I had NO idea about so I have nothing in that regard. Here is what I think I need (wanted to go get it today, so it could cycle with the big tank-just want someone to tell me if it's correct or not:
10g tank (main tank is 29g...should I do a 5g quarantine instead?)
Filter (? some of the things I read said don't use a filter, just do 10% change ever day?)-what kind if so?
Do I add water from the big setup or use some of the "new water" I still have in jugs?
I also read to take the sponge out of a filter and put it in Th.e big system to gain some of the beneficial bacteria-yes?
How often should I do water changes (if not the daily 10%)?
Anything else? Any suggestions?
Here is a list of my main setup:
Coralife BioCube 29 Gallon Aquarium on stand
36 Watt Actinic Blue Straight Pin
36 Watt 10,000K Daylight Straight Pin
0.75 Watt Lunar Blue LED Bar
Extra receptors for 4 additional LED Bars
Cooling Fans: 60mm, 15.83 CFM, 25.5 Db
Pump Flow Rate: 264 gph (1000 L/H)
22 pounds live rock
30 pounds Fiji Pink live sand
Filled with RO water from local store
ahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250); ">
Deep Six Hydrometer
Coralife BioCube Protein Skimmer (for BioCube 29) - not added yet, I was told to wait until I put fish in
Continuum Aquatics Parts A and B Reef Sculpture
Continuum Aquatics Reef Basis Kalkwasser
Here is the picture of the setup: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48795933@N03/9009942734/
10g tank (main tank is 29g...should I do a 5g quarantine instead?)
Filter (? some of the things I read said don't use a filter, just do 10% change ever day?)-what kind if so?
Do I add water from the big setup or use some of the "new water" I still have in jugs?
I also read to take the sponge out of a filter and put it in Th.e big system to gain some of the beneficial bacteria-yes?
How often should I do water changes (if not the daily 10%)?
Anything else? Any suggestions?
Here is a list of my main setup:
Coralife BioCube 29 Gallon Aquarium on stand
36 Watt Actinic Blue Straight Pin
36 Watt 10,000K Daylight Straight Pin
0.75 Watt Lunar Blue LED Bar
Extra receptors for 4 additional LED Bars
Cooling Fans: 60mm, 15.83 CFM, 25.5 Db
Pump Flow Rate: 264 gph (1000 L/H)
22 pounds live rock
30 pounds Fiji Pink live sand
Filled with RO water from local store
ahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250); ">
Deep Six Hydrometer
Coralife BioCube Protein Skimmer (for BioCube 29) - not added yet, I was told to wait until I put fish in
Continuum Aquatics Parts A and B Reef Sculpture
Continuum Aquatics Reef Basis Kalkwasser
Here is the picture of the setup: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48795933@N03/9009942734/