Need Anemone Expert!!!


Sorry, Like you said I am freaking. I hate it when things die, especially if it was my fault. I know he can move I just hope that my powerheads weren't to strong, because it is like he can't move because of them. Also I haven't been able to feed him the past week because he hasn't been able to or where I can get to him. What should I do about that, does he need me to feed him.


to answer 1journeymans question
Lights are 192 watts of pc. (lfs guy said it was sufficient for this anemone)
My tank has been set up for 6 to 7 months
Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Skimmer, Yes I have one, it is a seaclone 150
Substrate, live sand
Size of tank, 45 gallons
Also I have two powerheads maxi jet 900 and 1 powerhead penguin 1140
My filter is a filstar 350 and it has a uv sterillizer hooked on to it.


I know exactly what you are going through..mine has crawled behind the rock and will not come out. He is sooo pretty and large and I cant enjoy it. Also he has made a hope right next to my powerhead suction and I had to turn it off for fear of sucking him in. Not Im loosing circulation in my tank..Im bout to scream! Good luck with yours!


My anemone is doing so much better now!!!! He is now in the front of my tank and is fully open with no signs of stress. He started to shrink up because he was in the back of my tank with no lights and so I had to move him back to the front. I turned all my ph off but one that flows to the surface water, and he has his foot in the sand. There is also a rock in front of him so that way the flow doesn't knock him around as much, thanks for all your out there. Hope everyone has a great weekend.