Need chiller with metal halide lighting?


Active Member
No. I know people who have MH with no chiller and their tanks stay at 78 - 80 degrees depending on where they normally keep their heater. If your temp raises with MH there are other ways to disperse the heat. Remove glass canopy if you have one on. Raise the height of the MH's. Add fans, etc...
I guess it would really depend on how hot your tank runs now. If you live in a warmer climate then you would need one. JMO though.


Well, I am trying to decide between a 260W PC and a 542W metal halide...
I really would like to keep a sabae anemone and a clam...
I don't really like the idea of having to buy a chiller...


I am running 400w MH and my tank was getting past 90. I went ahead and bought the chiller just in case cause I live in Southern Cali. and it gets real hot here were I live.


Active Member
I had 2x250w mhs and my temp went well over 90. It ended up killing all my coral. I went and bought a chiller and now my temp stays 78-80. I even downgraded to 2x150w and 2x96w pcs and my temp still stays high but that is because my tank is in the garage. IMHO I think chillers are a great investment.


Active Member
To keep the Sabae and clams I'd stick with the MHs. I ran a 110g with 2-400w MHs + 2-110w VHOs and did not need a chiller. The tank stayed around 82deg in the summer and around 80 in the winter.
It all depends on your setup... regular fans will do a lot for cooling the water.


Alright, well, maybe you guys can help me :help:
The metal halide is a 48 inch 2x175W HQI + 2x96W PC actinic for a total of 542W.
Its going on a 60 gallon set up (48 inches)
I know nothing about chillers.... I am guessing I will need one...


New Member
IMO you should get a chiller 1/10 HP. Go with the Arctic by JBJ, very reliable, titanium coil and about $400.00. With that many watts you will need one. Don't risk the health of your animals, remember they like temperatures around 77-78 degrees... running higher temps is not safe and not good for their well being. Also, if you don't have a chiller you will be subjecting your specimens to temperature swings, which will cause stress.


Originally Posted by crustymonk
I am running 400w MH and my tank was getting past 90. I went ahead and bought the chiller just in case cause I live in Southern Cali. and it gets real hot here were I live.
hey crustymonk! where in so. cal. do you live?


Active Member
Best thing to do is get the lighting on the tank to see what happens. Many people get by just fine with no chiller... others need them. After you put the lights on the tank it will not take long to find out where you sit.


Active Member
I have the same lighting setup on my 75. During the breakin period everything was fine, but when I finally was able to leave the lights on 10hr day the tank started to heat up, seems like the temp would hit about 84-85. Got rid of my plexi cover over the tank (carpet surfers) and switched over to eggcrate. Removed the 4" legs that came with the lights, used some chains to raise the lights a total of 8" off the tank. Checked the temp the next few days and it peaked at 82-83. Then I installed a small clipon fan to the top of the tank ($10) and now the temp stays at 80. My evaporation went way up when I installed the fan, now it's at a gallon a day, but I'm in the desert and it's really dry. If you have questions you drop me a line at


Active Member
When I installed my halides into my new canopy, I added two 4 3/4" fans and my temp has not raised at all. I think the fans dissipate a lot of heat.


Hey, thanks everyone.
Where do you find these fans?
Is there a certain kind to get?
Where do you position them in your canopy?


Active Member
When I finished my canopy/I added 4 4" inch fans mounted on the top pulling the air out. There is a lot of air movement in the canopy.
1 fan Fan on the sump helped a bunch.
Here is my link on fans.
I do not use a chiller and my lights are 4 inches off the water with glass lids. I live in TX and keep the house at 78.
Water runs at 80 end of 10 hours of light 81. IMO the fans in the canopy are the best defense against heat.

Check out this site or any fish site and you can find fans. I used the ice cap fans that are made for SW use. Paid a few bucks but I do not have to worry about them.


Wow, 78 degrees.. :scared:
I live in Wisconsin, and the house is kept at 70 in the winter and 72 in the summer.
Will this help?


Active Member
I live in Jersey and it gets pretty warm here.I have MH and fans in the canopy.It keeps my tank between 78.5 and 80.With no chiller.IMO ,you dont need one


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Wow, 78 degrees.. :scared:
I live in Wisconsin, and the house is kept at 70 in the winter and 72 in the summer.
Will this help?

Dude I used to live in Wisconsin... you balk at 78 degress, but if you think a chiller is expensive, you should see an electric bill in GA or TX in the summer if the AC is set any cooler. Yeah... Wisconsin is nice and easy on your AC bills. My electric bill jumps up by $200/mo in the summer just keeping the house at 78.
In answer to your question, 72 will help you keep your tank cooler. Since a reef is normally 76-79 degrees, the house will tend to cool the tank which is good. I tell people to buy a chiller for any serious reef project because they are just good insurance and the tighter you can keep your temperature, the more your animals will thrive, but you *might* be okay with your setup at 72.


Thanks everyone!
The tank is a FOWLR, the reason I want the metal halides is so I can get a sabae anemone for the clowns.
I just think that $1000(for the halides and the chiller) is a bit much just to keep a sabae..