Need Emergency Help Fish Depend On It


Just Changed From Cc To Live Sand Put Fish In 5 Gal Bucket With Heater Air And Piece Of Live Rock Tank Water Extreamely Cloudy Right Now How Long Can I Keep Fish In 5 Gal???


Active Member
no worries bout the bucket, just try to minimize how much sloshing or moving around, a day or two in a bucket wont hurt most fish as long as they have heat and some flow they will be fine.


Ah That Put Me A Litle At Ease I Was Told The Change Wouldnt Be That Bad And Hopefully The Water Clears Up Soon Thank You For The Hep


Active Member
The fish should be fine long enough for the tank to clear up. Remember, they were all at one time shipped overnight (at best) to a store in small plastic bags; they can handle being in a bucket with some heat and circulation. It shouldn't take the tank that long to clear up anyway, and they can certainly handle a bit of cloudiness. It's not like it's poison gas or anything, just particulates floating in the water.


I agree with rbaldino and the others. When I changed my tank from CC to sand I had a small yellow tang and two yellow tail b@$tards, uh I mean damsels in a 5gal bucket for 2 days with just a heater and air stone. They were fine and made it back into the tank with no problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kinder7668
3 Damsels And A Porcupine Puffer
A porcupine puffer? How big of a tank do you have? I have no experience with puffers, but it is my understanding that they need to be moved without being exposed to the air...someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The reason I ask about the porcupine is that I've seen those little numbers in the wild and some of those were like 4' long. Big fish.
Lisa :happyfish